Why I'm Not Watching The Olympics

The 1936 Nazi Olympics are now widely regarded as a bad look, but the 2024 Olympics look even worse. In 1936, the Germans at least waited till after the Olympics to start their genocide, but 'Israel' and America are doing it right now. German athletes were sportsmanlike to African-Americans, but imperial nations today are openly racist towards the Chinese. These Olympics—held in the vassal state of France—are worse than the Nazi Olympics. That's why I'm not watching them.
Leading up the 1936 Olympics, Nazi apartheid against Jews had begun, but the genocide had not. The Nazis, in fact, toned it down while the world's attention was on them. To blunt the real threat of boycotts, the Germans promised fair participation of Jewish athletes and other races from other countries, and largely delivered. As David Clay Large wrote in his book Nazi Games:
Theodor Lewald [of the Olympic Committee] convinced the Hitler government to issue a statement on April 20 promising to respect the Olympic charter and to welcome to Germany “competitors of all races.” The regime added a significant caveat, however: The composition of Germany’s own team was nobody’s business but Germany’s.
Within Germany, while unequal treatment of Jews was only ramping up, the extermination campaign had not begun. Germany actually shot themselves in the foot by expelling talented Jewish German athletes like Gretel Bergmann, but they had not yet begun shooting Jews en masse. The Holocaust (of many people, not just Jews) would, of course, begin later, but participants in the 1936 Olympics were at least not participating in it at the moment. An SA song at the time went ‘When the Olympics are over, we’ll beat the Jews to a pulp’ and they actually did hold back during the Olympics. For example, after a Greek visitor was denied service for looking Jewish, “The Gestapo reminded the restaurateur that during the games even “Jewish-looking” customers had to be served.” The Nazis gave the rest of the world plausible (if improbable) deniability.
No such plausible deniability exists today. Since the ghetto rebellion of October 7th, 'Israel' has killed at least 350 Palestinian athletes directly, not to mention well over 200,000 civilians. As Middle East Eye reports:
Israel’s killing of Palestinian athletes began in the first few days of the war, when footballer Nazir al-Nashnash was killed by an Israeli missile in northern Gaza. In November, Ibrahim Qusaya and Hassan Zuaiter, two members of Palestine’s national volleyball team, were killed by an Israeli air strike on Jabalia refugee camp. A month later, Bilal Abu Samaan, coach of the national athletics team, was killed in an Israeli air raid. Muhammad Barakat, who played for Palestine’s national football team, was killed by an Israeli air strike in southern Gaza in March. He was known locally as “the legend of Khan Younis”. Distance runner Majed Abu Maraheel, Palestine’s first ever Olympian and flag bearer during the 1996 Games in Atlanta, died in June from kidney failure due to power outages and medical shortages caused by Israel’s war and siege. For Naji al-Nahal, one of Gaza’s finest and most decorated footballers, the last few months have been about queueing up for water and food, and mourning the killings of his coaches and fellow athletes. He hasn’t kicked a ball since 7 October.
What we have today is one participant in the 2024 Olympics murdering hundreds of athletes from another country, and killing and starving an entire population during the Olympics itself. For these crimes, the entire White Empire should also be banned, but they are—through the imperial bitch state France—hosting. The Germans, never one to miss a genocide, are also participating, as is the UK. America itself should have been banned years ago for their many invasions and mass murdering campaigns, but they are still dictating terms and corrupting international institutions like the IOC. Now a genocide is happening during the Olympics, and we're supposed to satisfy ourselves with booing. This is the core reason I'm boycotting. History will not absolve these people and the participation of 'Israel' above all has forever tainted these games.
The other big reason is the open racism towards the Chinese. In 1936, even the Nazis were not this brazen. Hitler was obviously racist and said, in private, [to Nazi youth leader Baldur von Schirach], “The Americans should have been ashamed of themselves for allowing their medals to be won by Negroes. I would never have shaken this Negro’s [Owens’s] hand.” Schirach also relates that when he suggested that the Führer be photographed with Owens, Hitler screamed in indignation: “Do you really think I’d allow myself to be photographed shaking hands with a Negro?”
In public, however, the Germans said they welcomed “competitors of all races,” and—in practice—did. Via Clay Large's book (ibid), ‘John Woodruff, an American black who won a gold medal in the eight-hundred-meter race, stated after the games: “A lot of people asked me how the Germans treated us. They treated us royally. They rolled out the red carpet. They were very friendly, very accommodating, very gracious, very cordial. They were considerate in every respect.”’ In fact, during the games, the German competitor Lutz Long actually helped Jesse Owens to eventually beat him. As the anecdote goes:

The only visible snub was Hitler not shaking hands with any medal winners (after an admonition from the IOC) to avoid shaking hands with any black people. As Owens said (again via Clay Large's book):
Owens himself had no inkling of any animosity toward him on the part of the Führer. He certainly never claimed to have been snubbed by Hitler. On the contrary, on his return to America after the Games he told an audience of one thousand blacks in Kansas City, Missouri, that it was President Roosevelt and not Hitler who had shown him disrespect at his moment of triumph in Berlin. “Hitler didn’t snub me—it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”
In their propaganda campaign (which is ongoing!) the Americans try to dump all of white supremacy's sins on the Nazis, but they actually inspired the Nazis in the first place. America simply devoured rebellions against it into its own propaganda. The hegemon is a master of hypocrisy, weaponizing values it does not practice to attack its enemies.
In 1936, black people in America lived under an apartheid that was worse than what Jews in German were (currently) experiencing and had been much worse for centuries. Allowing blacks to participate in public sports was more an exercise in shallow hypocrisy than any sign of deep equality. As the American writer Thomas Wolfe said at the time, “Owens was black as tar, but what the hell, it was our team and I thought he was wonderful. I was proud of him, so I yelled.” When the President of the American Olympic Committee Avery Brundage visited Germany, he “let it be known that his own men’s club in Chicago barred Jews. This policy, he added, was a product of the American belief in “separate but equal treatment,” an approach he believed was consistent with Olympic ideals.” America and the rest of Europe were racist and antisemitic as hell, these only became 'values' insomuch as they were valuable for attacking their enemies.
Having weaponized anti-doping to completely expel Russia from the competition (something which would make Hitler proud), the Americans are using it to smear communist China (Hitler also happy). The US Congress has threatened to defund the anti-doping agency unless they find something on China and there's a coordinated media campaign to smear and tarnish their victories. Athletes like Adam Peaty (from the poor American province of Britain) have said “there's no point winning if you're not winning fair” despite China being the most tested nation and repeatedly backed by the authorities. As WADA, the anti-doping agency, said,
The politicization of anti-doping continues with this latest attempt by the media in the United States to imply wrongdoing on the part of WADA and the broader anti-doping community. As we have seen over recent months, WADA has been unfairly caught in the middle of geopolitical tensions between superpowers but has no mandate to participate in that.
All of these racist and disproven accusations against China are part of US government policy, reflected in the bad behavior of western media, athletes, and citizens. Like the US defunding the UNRWA and threatening the families of ICJ judges during the genocide of Gaza, these attacks on already feeble international institutions show what the rules-based order actually means. It is precisely the abrogation of international law and rule by the worst international criminals. The United States, is trying to get China banned by a standard which would get America more banned than Chinese!

The Americans actually get numerous 'waivers' for asthma and ADHD allowing their athletes to take performance-enhancing drugs constantly. But then—like every other possible value (human rights, freedom)—they weaponize the doping issue to attack their enemies. What the Empire is doing is simply spreading racist lies through their corrupt media because they're losing. It's the worst sort of sour grapes, which produces a disgusting racist whine.
Like the pogroms that imperial racist policy is producing in England today, the structural racism of Empire produces abominable behavior among its petty people. In tennis, America's Emma Navarro insulted her Chinese competitor Zheng Qinwen, saying, “I don't respect you as a competitor.” This is much worse than the behavior of the German Lutz Long in Nazi Germany! During Zheng's match with a Frenchwoman, the French crowd intentionally disturbed her serve, even using flashes, causing the referee to pause the game to warn them. France's Leon Marchand rudely ignored a handshake from the Chinese team (though he apologized later). A losing Italian boxer accused the Algerian victor of being a man. All gloves are off and these Olympics are openly, brazenly racist.
And Yet
And yet I still like the Olympics. I'd like to like the Olympics. This is something I could distract my children guiltlessly with, and yet I can't bring myself to do it. When one team is literally murdering another and when white countries are smearing rising Asia, it's just too repugnant for me. I understand that Palestine and China are participating in these Olympics and more power to them. They're beating the Nazis at their own games and if you're watching you're not a bad person. It's just not for me.
I live a bit too much in history and, to me, the 2024 Olympics are not just historically like the 1936, they are worse. The genocide that was temporarily constrained last century is now open and unrestrained. The racism that was at least considered embarrassing is now open and unashamed. Palestinians are being murdered right now, British people are committing pogroms right now, and the anti-Chinese racism from the West is off the chain. The Olympics are and were a projection of power and the ruling White Empire is visibly losing and deranged. That's why I'm not watching the Olympics. It's a reflection of power relations in the world, and I really don't like what I'm seeing.