Why I Left Medium (They Defenestrated Me)

I recently deleted my Medium account. After 10 years, five years working for the Program. Eight good years, and one year of the door hitting me on the way out. I delivered millions of views for Medium and made around $75,000 for my troubles. This is not a lot of dollars if you can divide, but it was a lot of rupees if you can multiply. Pretty good for Sri Lanka. I quit my day job and wrote all day which has been my dream since grade one. I earned $50 in my first month on Medium, at which point I was amazed, and $50 in my last month, at which point it was depressing. So I just deleted my Medium. You don't need a dispiriting medium to contact me anymore, it's just indi.ca, as has been my URL for 20 years now. I left (they kicked me out).
It wasn't me, it was them. They defenestrated everybody pro-Palestinian after October 7th, genocide season was declared across the White Empire (America, 'Israel', UK, same thing). I've been writing about (purely theoretical, emotional, and useless) rebellion against White Empire for years, but the minute Hamas et al did something about it, it was curtains for anyone that supported them. And anyone with a conscience. After October 7th, all of the western media went under heavy wartime censorship, including Medium. The Overton Window (the range of permissible debate) is fine with talking about rebellion, but the minute somebody does something, they kill people and kill the very idea of murder (I have learned this about state murder, from bitter personal experience).
Compared to losing life, losing voice is merely bittersweet. But it still fucking stings. Despite having 40,000 followers and usually getting thousands of views per post, I was algorithmically throttled to a few hundred, if I was lucky, and pennies on the dollar in earnings. I went from earning thousands of dollars to hundreds. And I was never curated by the human editors of Medium again (and I used to be, a lot). I wasn't technically demonetized, but I was algorithmically disappeared. Empire wasn't paying me to piss on their grave anymore, which is to say, fair shakes.

At the same time I disappeared, evil shit appeared my feed. I got distributed a live-blog of genocide, from an IOF soldier, Dillon Melet, blowing up houses and sniffing panties. This actually came up in my feed (since deleted): “During these operations, our officers would point to a house and declare, “Let’s blow up, ummm… that house!” and, “various items like condoms and wine coolers contradicted stereotypes I’d had about their lifestyle. Yes, I’d stashed the English textbooks and swiped a Quran before while we were in the south — items now sitting on my desk at home.” This was normal and distributed. And I was undistributed for decrying it.
Media organizations like Medium were not merely neutral in the time of oppression, they were in top gear oppression. Medium is just another company owned by billionaires and I should've know, they are the oppressors. The master's tools will not dismantle the master's house, as Audre Lorde said. But where else do you go for money? Billionaires do have the billions. I was actually paid to make them feel more billious, not to puncture their illusions.
The fact is that a dancing, foul-mouthed monkey at court was an amusement. I was like a court jester, paid to speak truth to power, which laughs at it. Pocket rebels like me were kept on the payroll (algorithmic or otherwise) to brand Empire as Free Speech© to outsiders. Like buying Marx on Amazon. They actually get paid off a certain amount of rebellion, but if it stops being profitable, they defenestrate you.

The Overton Window of American Empire was big and I enjoyed playing in it while I was in it. Americans seem to enjoy being told that they're collapsing and evil, they'll even pay for it. I used to joke to Sri Lankans that white people paid me to yell at them. As the late, great Mark Fisher said, “So long as we believe (in our hearts) that capitalism is bad, we are free to continue to participate in capitalist exchange. According to Žižek, capitalism in general relies on this structure of disavowal.” Like Michael Corleone, I was part of the same hypocrisy. At least I was, till Hamas threw down the gauntlet for all of us. You discover who the real revolutionaries are during the revolution. And you discover who's just revolting.
After the great act of resistance on October 7th—occupied people breaking out of a concentration camp to free thousands of their own hostages—there was a great amount of censorship across all western platforms. Mass media like the BBC and New York Times outright incited genocide, their editors deserve to be stringers like Julius Streicher. They all spread the same false savage rape white woman blood libel they've been using to lynch us since time immemorial. And murdered hundreds of thousands of people in front of us. And you saw the craven and cowardly line up to do it. And you saw anyone with a shred of decency get disappeared like the LA Times staff, fired like Gary Lineker, arrested like Richard Medhurst or Ali Abunimah, or murdered like Refaat Al-Areer and Wael Al-Dahdouh family.
Speech about internationally legal armed resistance to an occupying power was demonetized, deplatformed, and so much worse by the occupying power. Journalists are targeted for death in Palestine and for arrest across the White Empire. 'Israel', of course, was defeated on October 7th and has been put under administration by America, which now ‘owns’ Gaza. Our true enemy has revealed himself, as Michael Corleone. It was always one White Empire, and they were always this evil.
I wrote about it theoretically but after October 7th I experienced it personally. Someone actually snitched to the FBI about a Medium post. FBI agents came to my sisters place of work looking for me, an implicit threat to an immigrant. As I've learned from bitter experience with the cops here, the investigation is a punishment. Now I'm pretty sure I'm on a terrorism watch list and avoid travel to the heart of whiteness. If they question me, what do I say? I do support Hamas. Hezbollah and Ansar Allah are my homies, as are the Iraqi partisans. I have literal posts out there called ‘Why I Support Hamas’. My lock screen might as well be Sayyed Nasrallah (rest in power).
It goes unnoticed while dunking on random Canadians during Super Bowls, but this is actually the state of things in America. The place always was a police state for some people, but now it's that way for everybody. Just say the wrong thing on Facebook. I dare you, I double-dog dare you (don't do it).
During this time of resistance to resistance it is illegal for Americans (and apparently Sri Lankans) to be insufficiently genocidal. You're supposed to support the genocide or at least STFU about it. People get regularly canceled for supporting Palestinian existence, nevermind Resistance. Real people—people I know—have lost jobs, property, freedom, and certainly opportunity. People have lost or lessened their careers for having a conscience. Even celebrities like Elon Musk have to make slavering apologies and kiss the ring (for which you get rewarded handsomely). In many states, you have to swear fealty to 'Israel' to get government work, and what passes for statesmen in America are all paid spokesmen. 'Israel' is the ultimate money laundry scheme for the military industrial multiplex, it is their literal pièce de résistance. Their picture window.
Now from the outside—picking the broken glass out my broke ass—I can see the master's house I was in, and the master's tools that will never dismantle it. Medium, as a media corporation in America, is just another part of their privatized propaganda network. It's not just USAID funding propaganda abroad, Americans themselves are the most propagandized people on earth, it's all propaganda, from Hollywood to the news to social media. It's called Free Speech© for a reason, you can say something once, but if they don't copy it, it's like nobody ever heard it.
American mass media, social media, and ‘medium’ media are all owned and controlled by the same billionaire class which owns and controls the government, and which has a special interest in 'Israel'. There's only a few settlers in cursed Zion, but Zionists are everywhere. Christian Zionists, ‘cultural’ Zionists, and yes, Jewish people have a huge extremism problem. These are the shareholders of of White Empire (selling us all out to the Corporate AI that's ruled since 1602) and they crack the whip on content farms as much as they did plantations. I thought I was a house n*word but, no they tossed me out on the porch.
After a humiliating year of copy-pasting articles over to Medium for a pittance, I finally said fuck it and deleted the whole lot. Everything is safe here at my own blog, indi.ca, where I had started retreating long before, mashallah. I make probably half as much as I made before, but I have 100% of my balls, which is worth it. This, of course, buys zero fucking groceries and gets me through zero airports, but we are where we are. As I've said before, I just write about Resistance, I'm not worth the dust on an actual fighter's sandals. All the ink I've spilled isn't worth the tear on a Palestinian mother's shoulder. It's an honor to sacrifice something for Palestine (and a shame that it's so little).
That's something I learned from this experience. This Empire will put up with any amount of abstract complaints, criticism inoculates them from criticism. They'll even pay you to diss them, like Zionists pay Kendrick and Drake to diss each other. All my talk within the White Empire just advertised how Free Speech© the White Empire was. They literally published it through their privatized propaganda outlets, and I paid 10% withholding to the US government for the privilege! But on October 7th Hamas spoke the only language power actually speaks and we all learned a valuable lesson. Freedom ain't free, you've got to fight for it. And if you're not losing something, they're winning. I know all this now, picking glass out my ass, broke among the broken.
Just like Hamas popped out from underneath the rubble, decapitated but undefeated, I'm still here in the humble ruins of my career, defenestrated but undeterred. I used to covet the awards and accolades of Empire, bylines, interviews, prestige, and just the foreign currency. That's gone and half gone. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say, like Oscar the Grinch from his garbage can.
I got tossed out of the Overton Window and, from the outside, I can see clearly into the White House. All of America is a haunted house, built on an Indian graveyard, still killing Injuns now. But Turtle Island is unceded and the savages they see across the the oceans are beating them. Besides being the good guys, the Resistance is winning. History will absolve them as Fidel Castro said. Nelson Mandela was on a terrorist watch list until 2008, just as supporting justice now gets you watched and listed. No one will have been for this genocide in the future, but right now, truly supporting Palestine is verboten.
I can see the master's house more clearly, having landed on my ass out the window. I can see the master's tools in my hand, broken. And I'm just in time to see a Yassin-105 coming through the window, speaking the only truth power knows. Firepower. Godspeed to the Resistance. Goodbye to Medium. As the dolphins say at the end of the world, so long, and thanks for all the clicks.