White Empire Is Arresting My Homies

All of my homies hate America. Godspeed to the Resistance. Freedom fighters outside Beirut, Lebanon, July of 1988. Via.

In the past few weeks, the White Empire has raided Scott Ritter in America, arrested Richard Medhurst in the UK, and arrested Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France. These are my intellectual homies, and the censorship is coming close to home. The Feds are even fishing for haal masso like me in Sri Lanka.

The Empire is doing so much censorship that they reveal themselves in all the clumsy white-out. When they kidnapped Julian Assange for 14 years, they revealed the actual borders of Empire, arresting an Australian citizen in the UK because Australia and the UK are not real countries. Assange showed them slaughtering brown journalists and America said, “so what? now watch us kidnap white ones.” Like so many arrogant criminals, they revealed themselves in the cover-up.

In the same way, the kidnapping of Pavel Durov exposes France as another palace eunuch. France gave an honorary citizenship to Pavel Durov for his work on free speech, and then arrested him for it, because America said so. This all exposes European countries as occupied territory and White Empire as a problem for imperial citizens also. As Aimé Césaire said, “no one colonizes innocently, that no one colonizes with impunity either.” Or as Malcolm X said, chickens come home to roost.

For 10 months, we've seen chickenhawks slaughter hundreds of journalists in Gaza, targeting people like Refaat Al-Areer with guided missiles through his apartment window, killing him and his little nieces. Of course the censorship is coming home, America and 'Israel' are one regime. 'Israel' does precisely what America arms it to do, it is just a conscript colony in a larger colonial empire. As Césaire continued, “a nation which colonizes, that a civilization which justifies colonization—and therefore force—is already a sick civilization, a civilization which is morally diseased, which irresistibly, progressing from one consequence to another, one denial to another, calls for its Hitler, I mean its punishment.”

So late American Empire proceeds from one consequence to another, one denial to another, finding its zombie Hitler in braindead Democrats. The Democrat tagline for their unelected candidate is “if we don't commit genocide, someone else will.” They can't bother to do better propaganda, so they're trying to cover it up with censorship. It's all too ugly and obvious and they've lost all soft power. Today the western media is exposed as vile propagandists and people can see that they're being lied to. By attacking the fringes, Empire just makes its censorship more obvious, which is a big problem for an invisible empire. Shooting and arresting the messengers just draws a big white line around their war crimes, it—in fact—highlights them. As the most cowardly Palestinian, DJ Khaled said, “you played yourself.” The White Empire thinks it's caught my homies, but they have, in fact, been caught red-handed.

Free Speech®

What is American censorship? They cunningly privatized it and branded it Free Speech®️. As the old joke goes, an American asked a Soviet Professor “what are you doing in the United States?” The professor said, “I am here to study American Propaganda.” The American said, “What propaganda?” The Soviet said “Exactly!”

America's post-war propaganda game was immaculate and invisible. They made a million movies taking credit for the Red Army's victory, assimilated the Nazis (into NATO and NASA) and deported the Jews out of Europe. And then marketed themselves as the 'good guys' for decades. And people believed them, it was excellent marketing. The Holocaust became the only bad thing that ever happened (though, as Césaire said, it was just colonialism applied to Europe) and Americans became the aw shucks good guys policing the world. America's big USP was Freedom Of Speech®️, which they could deliver within 24-hours if necessary, via bombs. This was all marketed as a good thing—via Hollywood and 'international' news agencies—but now the propaganda is visible. After 10 months of seeing the insides of children's skulls, it all rings hollow.

America's post-war censorship regime was also ingenious. Rather than reducing information, America massively increased it, flooding the zone with shit. Rather than shutting up critics, they just made them very quiet, and made corrupt journalists very loud. Noam Chomsky described the American method best, saying, “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.”

America strictly limited speech of communists/socialists at home, with blacklists and outright assassination of black leaders. America then indirectly limited speech using drugs and drug laws. As Richard Nixon's domestic policy chief John Erlichman said, “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or Black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and Blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.” Now America has the largest caged population in the world, people who literally have to pay extortionate fees to private companies to talk to their families. And they call this the land of the Free Speech®️. Incredibly branding, on the backs of slaves.

The oppression was much worse in the provinces of White Empire, and the places they tried to control like Korea, Vietnam, and Indonesia. America helped slaughter millions of young communists, distant people that were killed for their ideas. They killed them along with whole communities, using biological weapons, torture, and rank brutality. At the same time, America demanded drugs from of the rest of the world, and supplied endless 'drug wars,' violently disrupting entire continents. Then, after the Cold War 'ended', they killed nearly 5 million Muslims, a genocide merely reaching its crescendo in Gaza. As if communism and 'Islamism' are not ideas that people are free to have, without being murdered and tortured for generations. What America marketed as Free Speech®️ was, in fact, very violent oppression.

American media is really like the Roman Colosseum, a controlled space where idiot citizens can give a thumbs up or down on human life, and think they're emperors for a day. Americans really believe they're philosopher kings, when in fact they're just bloody minded children, holding a toy steering wheel in the back seat. As Chomsky said, “the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.” America has rich debates about which country to bomb, but never about not bombing.

Communists have been trotted out for slaughter for decades, then Arabs, with scary drug dealers as a constant sideshow. Opposition to this is also performed in the Cable-TV Colosseum, though always too little too late. As the saying goes, a liberal is someone who opposes every war except the current one, and supports every civil rights movement except the one happening right now. These are the people twiddling their thumbs in the Colosseum, ignoring the structural violence all around them.

Frank Zappa

Now, however, the illusion that American are or ever were the good guys is falling apart. People have been watching a live-streamed genocide for 10 months now, and all the white-out in the world can't cover up the blood. As Lady Macbeth said, “Here's the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh!” White Empire has finally played its hand in Palestine and the illusion is falling apart. As Frank Zappa said (in 1977),

I would say the illusion will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move all the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre.

And here we are today, with the Empire simply disappearing journalists and entire networks, exposing the brick wall of censoriousness surrounding Palestine, and thus exposing the global censorship regime behind the curtains. Zappa was referring the CIA pushing LSD—something I thought crazy but true, just ask NPR. Zappa's insight applies equally to other hallucinations, like the American idea of Free Speech®. For a long time, the people I mentioned at the start of this article were being 'censored' the traditional way, via obscurity. But now Empire has exposed the Overton Window by defenestrating them. To quote myself quoting other people:

As Noam Chomsky said to a newsman once, “I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believe something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.” Or as Upton Sinclair said, it's very difficult to get a man to understand something if his salary depends on him not understanding it.

For decades, America didn't have to demote critical journalists, they just promoted corrupt ones. The best way to censor a journalist is to not hire them in the first place, and let them wander the wilderness doing podcasts. Scott Ritter and Richard Medhurst are big to me, but they're rarely (if ever) invited on TV and are algorithmed down everywhere. Telegram, also, is a big social network, but not for people Empire traditionally cares about, who have already been herded into tame platforms like WhatsApp or Facebook. These people should not be a problem for the great White Empire, but the fact that they are are a problem proves one thing. Empire has a big problem. Openly arresting and persecuting these people is not a sign of strength. It is in fact desperation.

Remember that the whole packaging of Free Speech® is that you can complain about the Empire. This is their USP. Now they're arresting people at the airport and ruining their own marketing. I personally know a professor that got fired (shout out NLM), radio hosts that got cut, TV hosts that disappeared, and I have seen many Palestinians killed in front of me, usually with their children. The murder is visible and the censorship is no longer invisible, which is a huge problem for an empire that used to manufacture consent quite cheaply. Empire is a business above all, and nobody is buying this shit anymore. They can arrest all the podcasters they want, but this just makes it worse.

Zappa predicted why the illusion would collapse in 1977. Not because it was evil (it was always evil) but because it would cease being profitable. Right now, there's a choice between the marketing department and the murdering department and Empire is choosing murdering, cause the whole thing is built on blood money. Empire simply cannot sustain the illusion of decency against the massacre of Palestine, so they've just given up. They're going out like Scarface, guns blazing and coked out of their skulls. As Al Pacino's Scarface said,

Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There's a bad guy comin' through! Better get outta his way!

America is, geopolitically, trying to punch China at one end of the bar, and getting punched 30 times before it can get there. Their military is too weak to take the field in Russia, their Navy is too weak to beat Yemen, and their Air Force can only bomb innocents and misses the heros of Hamas entirely. America is an old drunk brawler, covered in blood and piss and just embarrassing themselves. America's current military strategy makes as much sense as Scarface's home security. Scarface died so coked up that his body kept firing. That's America right now, braindead and bombing out of pure muscle memory.

America cannot sustain the illusion because it doesn't have the energy to sustain the illusion, it's too busy collapsing. So the marketing collapses, the interest payments skyrocket, and the 'full faith and credit' of the United States is increasingly null and void. The planetary Ponzi scheme called colonialism—passed like hot potato from Europe to the UK to the USA—is finally collapsing but, as you know, there's no reverse Ponzi. You just have to keep hustling until your heart explodes a la Scarface.

America, unfortunately, cannot peacefully collapse like the USSR, capitalism has to get rich or die trying. So they're going hard, committing genocide abroad and trying to censor it at home. But these are both losing propositions. Martyrs fight harder in death and messengers speak louder when silenced. The White Empire's true superpower was invisibility, and now they're losing superpower status in front of the world. The White Empire can arrest my homies, but it cannot, mashallah, arrest its own fall.