What Nasrallah Said About His Own Death

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, in the 1990s, via

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah gave his own eulogy 32 years ago. It was an elegy to the last Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Abbas Mussawi. Nasrallah said,

His Eminence, al-Sayyed, symbolizes all the martyred men, Um Yasser all the martyred women, and little Hussein all the martyred children, and all of them together symbolize every family that suffers from oppression and prejudice in our Islamic world. We blame Israel for this blood-soaked carnage, and blame its protector, the United States of America, which is responsible for all Israel’s massacres and all the destruction, murder, and displacement it wreaks. Everybody knows that Israel would not have been able to stand on its own in the region had it not been for Western and American support.”

As we bid farewell to our great martyr and to his wife and child, we pledge ourselves to his pure soul and to our oppressed people, that we shall continue to walk in his footsteps.”

America will remain the nation’s chief enemy and the greatest Satan of all. Israel will always be for us a cancerous growth that needs to be eradicated, and an artificial entity that should be removed, even if all the rulers [of the world] recognize it.”

Finally, as we stand in front of your torn body and pure soul, we pledge ourselves always to echo your words:

You Jews, leave our land, you have no home among us, go back from where you came, for there will never be peace or reconciliation between us, only war, resistance, and the language of war and bullets. You are leaving and we are staying; dawn is upon us, the sun will shine and the entire nation will rise to greet its God. This era will witness the victory of the dispossessed over the oppressor; it is the era of our beloved Islam and of the Great Khomeini, in spite of the hatred that the Godless and tyrants harbor towards us.

May God’s peace be with you.

Nasrallah has since modified his language to wisely differentiate between Jews and Zionists, and to not miss the controlling White Empire for the Jews. Don't get it confused. Mussawi sounded antisemitic because who could blame him, they were getting massacred and tortured by Jews. Nasrallah conducted a deeper analysis and, in the end, was the least antisemitic guy I knew. As he said later in life,

There is a misconception prevalent in the Arab world regarding 'Israel'-US relations. We keep repeating this lie about the Zionist lobby - that the Jews rule America and are the real decision makers, and so on. No. America itself is the decision maker. In America, you have the major corporations, you have a trinity of the oil companies, the weapons industry, and the so-called “Christian-Zionism.” The decision-making is in the hands of this alliance. 'Israel' used to be a tool at the hands of the British, and now it is a tool in the hands of America.

Nasrallah knew his enemy. He knew that the tail does not wag the dog, and he knew not to take the dog's word on anything at all. America acts like it can't control 'Israel' while supplying the bombs. They're just hiding behind another proxy, for plausible deniability. America hides its most vicious policies behind its colonies, and Nasrallah was fighting the whole White Empire with a bunch of farm boys and rifles at the start. It's a wonder he survived this long. As an aside, because I miss him,

Allah, pray take Sayyed Nasrallah to the ranks right next to you,
he was always hastening to your side.
He never flinched from the great injustice in the world,
like I flinch now, and cry.
Nasrallah hastened to jihad.
Nasrallah was always ready to die.

Get Free Or Die Trying

Sayyed Nasrallah became General Secretary after the last General Secretary's funeral, in 1992. Hezbollah became even stronger under his leadership. The fact is that every high-ranking member of Hezbollah gets martyred, it's in the job description. You don't fight the most vicious Empire on earth and survive. But they survive. The Party of God regenerations with every generation. The Resistance is a people's movement, and the people are still resisting. And their faith is a big part of the reason.

The Quran says those that hasten to jihad are promised a place in the highest ranks of heaven, right next to the Prophet (pbuh) and his family. And God knows these men deserve it. They're fighting great evil at an impossible disadvantage, and winning. White Empire, under America, is losing power all over the world. They've lost naval control in Yemen, ground control in Ukraine, and mind control in Palestine. And Nasrallah did his part. He hastened to jihad and he fought brilliantly. Now Samson is dead but, inshallah, it's all coming down around him.

As the Resistance has written in blood, assassinations have never stopped the Resistance and never will. The parts are interchangeable, the Resistance springs from the body of the people. The Sayyed talked about 'policy continuity' in 1992 and nothing's changed. He said,

The path pursued by the martyred Sayyed was not his own personal policy, but that of Hezbollah’s leadership. This path does not shift or change, neither before nor after one secretary-general goes and the new one comes.

We, of course, believe that the Israeli enemy has not achieved any of its objectives through this assassination except for one—namely, the removal from the scene of a personality of the caliber of Sayyed Abbas Mussawi.
What they have done, in fact, is awaken that very scene, put it on the alert, sharpened its awareness, increased its determination, unified it even further, caused it to rally round the resistance, and increased its enmity towards Israel in a manner that Abbas Mussawi himself could not have done during his lifetime.”

Change the names and it's true. All the 'Israelis' have accomplished today is ‘the removal from the scene of a personality of the caliber of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.’ What a caliber of man he was, and 'Nasrallah' will be inscribed on the highest caliber of missile. Fuck the arc of history, these guys have hypersonic now. And look at where they came from. As Nasrallah said, “In 1983 the resistance started with 200 mujahidin, and now, in 1992, there are thousands of them.” Now Hezbollah is an unconventional army of tens of thousands. Yet the strategy is the same, the policy continues. What Nasrallah said in 1992 still holds true. He said,

The long-term strategy of the Islamic Resistance is clear and does not require additional explanation. It involves fighting against Israel and liberating Jerusalem, as well as Imam Khomeini’s proposal—namely, ending Israel as a state. The fact that we are engaged in an existentialist battle with Israel is an honor for us, as is the fact that the Israeli enemy deals with Hezbollah on that basis.

We are not unrealistic. We do not pretend that our military capabilities and the numbers of our mujahidin would be enough to regain Jerusalem; none of us have ever made that claim. We do, however, believe that the resistance has to finish the job it started. It is impossible for us to fight the Israeli enemy through traditional and classical methods, but rather [we must fight] through a war of attrition, whereby we drain its energy, weaken it, then one day force it to withdraw.

The difference between then and now is that today the Resistance can regain Jerusalem. The entire region is wounded, and 'Israel' is wounded too. The arc of history is long, but it bends towards hypersonics. For clues, Hamas calls the battle joined on October 7th the Al Aqsa Flood, and Hezbollah ends most messages saying ‘on the road to Al Quds.’ Al Quds is Jerusalem and Al Aqsa is its holy mosque. Father than you can bear and sooner than you think, they're coming home. As Sheikh Ahmed Al-Yassin, founder of Hamas, said:

Ahmed Mansour: “As someone who witnessed the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, and now that this state has existed for 50 years – how do you see its future?”
Ahmed Yassin: “I say Israel was founded upon injustice and plunder. Any entity founded on injustice and plunder is destined to be destroyed.”
Mansour: “Even if it has power that allows it to survive?”
Yassin:The power of no one in the world lasts forever. You start as a child, then you become a teenager, and a young man, and then you become an aged man, an elderly man, and then it’s over. The same is true of countries. They progress little by little until they become extinct. This cannot be helped.”
Mansour: “At what stage is Israel now?”
Yassin: “I say that Israel will be gone in the first quarter of the next [21st] century, inshallah. To be precise, I say that by 2027, there will be no Israel.”
“Why that [specific] date?”
Yassin: “Because I believe in the noble Quran. The Quran tells us that the generations change every 40 years. During the first 40 years, we had the Nakba, in the second 40 years, the Intifada started, with confrontations the fighting, and the bombs, and the third [group of] 40 years, will see [Israel’s] end, inshallah.”
Mansour: “So this estimate...”
Yassin: “This is a Quranic conclusion.”

Why must so many good people die? As Hamas's Khaled Mashal said, “Dear sister, nations are not easily liberated. The Russians sacrificed 30 million people in World War II, in order to liberate it from Hitler's attack. The Vietnamese sacrificed 3.5 million people until they defeated the Americans. Afghanistan sacrificed millions of martyrs to defeat the USSR and then the US. The Algerian people sacrificed six million martyrs over 130 years. The Palestinian people are just like any other nation. No nation is liberated without sacrifices.” I wish it wasn't true, but it is. The ancients had it right. Everything requires sacrifice.

I do think the blessed Sheikh was right about the timing. 'Israel' is killing but 'Israel' is dead. Al-Yassin was blown out of his wheelchair 20 years ago, and now Yassin-105's are blowing through 'Israeli' tanks. Martyrs fill the ranks of the Resistance, they don't deplete them. 'Israel's' martyrdom of Sayyed Nasrallah changes little on the ground, though it changes a lot in heaven.

I must admit, however, that I am personally shattered. I read him and I consider him a 'friend in history'. As Machiavelli said, “there I make bold to speak to them and ask the motives of their actions, and they, in their humanity, reply to me.” I feel Nasrallah's humanity and I can feel his death on a human level. And it's painful. I prayed for the whole month of Ramadan, to understand Islamic philosophy, and I prayed again when I heard about Nasrallah's death. It hurt so bad, I turned back to the Quran, like the prodigal bum I am. I flipped to a page at random, and read,

This Quran is an exposition for the people and a guidance and admonition for those who fear God.

And do not become faint of heart, nor grieve—you will have the upper hand, if you are believers—if you have suffered a wound, they too have suffered a similar wound. We bring these days to men by turns, so that God may know those who believe, and choose witnesses from among you; and God does not love the unjust, so that God may purge those who believe and wipe out those who deny the truth.

Do you suppose that you would enter the Garden, without God knowing those among you who would strive hard for His cause and endure with fortitude

You were longing for death, before you met it. Now you have seen it with your own eyes.

I believe that Nasrallah believed this, and I believe his right action sets him free. I don't know if I believe in God, but I definitely fear Them. And Nasrallah lived like God was watching, he will surely be rewarded on the Day of Judgement. Nasrallah hastened to jihad, as God quite clearly commanded. You know in your heart that you should do everything you can to stop this genocide, which is just one of many genocides these mass murderers are perpetrating. But just as Jesus called everyone to drop everything and follow him, many hear but few listen.

As the Quran says, “Among the believers there are men.” Hezbollah includes this line in every epitaph for every martyr. It is their sign-off, and the same goes for Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. His blood is no more precious than the blood of every man, woman, and child killed in this long genocide, which is to say it's very precious indeed. Goodbye their preacher, my teacher, our friend in history. God be with you Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. God knows, you were always with Them.