The 'Nice' Nazis

Watching the Democratic National Convention is like watching the tackiest version of the Nuremberg Rallies. The Democrats are committing genocide and using actual Nazis in Ukraine as we speak, and people are excited about what color the meaningless candidate is. It's not a convention (nobody voted for this person), it's a gender reveal. Meanwhile, and I repeat, these people are committing genocide right now. These people are committing ecocide against all living beings, drilling more oil than ever in their history. These people are committing national suicide, killing more people than ever with COVID-19. And the Democrats are somehow the lesser evil? Not numerically.
By any of the metrics above, the Democrats are worse than Donald Trump. The Democrats are not fighting for democracy lol. They're just 'Nice' Nazis. I put the 'nice' in scare quotes because they're actually scary. World War III, genocide, ecocide, a police state, crackdowns on free speech. That's all coming under the Democrats. That's all happening right now, it's not some hypothetical fear you need to vote out of being. That's all coming under the swamp creatures liberal MAGA types are cheering, because LGBTQ, and other smokescreens. To anyone with eyes and a heart, any generic Democrat is just another Nazi. I'll spill more words on this, but can't you see the blood, clearly? They're committing a genocide as we speak. Everything else is just branding, AKA lying through their bloody teeth.
The Democrats keep positioning themselves as the lesser evil than Trump, but that's pure appearances, and appearances are deceiving. On every issue the Democrats claim to care about—war, democracy, environment, immigration—they're actually worse than their enemy. Check the record and see.
On war, the Democrats have effectively started World War III, complete with a historically fatal invasion into Russia (near Kursk) and full genocide and concentration camps in 'Israel'. America and NATO are rolling with guys that wear SS patches. They're rolling with 'Israelis' that rape men to death and turn city blocks into one big concentration camps. I call America just the head of one big White Empire, and—as the famous skit goes—they're the 'baddies'.
Re: democracy, the Democrats are running a candidate that no one has voted for while suing to keep third parties off the ballot entirely. The Democrats are attacking student protestors and presiding over mass censorship and arrests/harassment for speech. People I follow have been searched by the FBI (Scott Ritter), arrested at airports (Richard Medhurst), and the FBI has been looking for me, a random Sri Lankan blogger. That's how deep the police state has seeped, and this is all under the Democrats. This is not some hypothetical fascism, it's already quite fashionable.
And as for the the environment, the only thing the Democrats have really contributed is gaslighting. Under the Democrats, the US has drilled more oil than ever, and unleashed even more emissions through the #1 single polluter in the world, their military. The US is now the biggest oil producer in the world, and that's not enough for them. They still demand blood for oil in the Middle East.
En fin, on immigration, the Democrats have presided over more deportations, deaths, and separated families than the big orange meanie. Kamala Harris is trying to run as tougher on immigration than Trump, and the Democrats have continued Trump's border wall and concentration camps, even increasing the quantity of cruelty. All of their posturing is meaningless. It's all marketing by the most mendacious people imaginable. The Democrats are all about appearances, and appearances are deceiving.
Self-deception is all the US Democratic Party has left to offer. They will tell sweet lies to a 'liberal' population that just wants to sleep. At this point, the Democrats are pure optics and branding, painting blackface on the same old death machine. And enough of the peanut gallery eats it up that it's nauseating. Americans will literally stand in front of people committing a genocide right now, and cheer for them. Too many Americans are bloody-minded children in the back seat of history. They're happily honking on a toy steering wheel that doesn't do anything (vote harder!), while the war machine is actually running over children, in front of everybody. I repeat myself because it's repeating every day. The American government is starving and torturing and raping people to death every single day. The Democrats are running the American government, and an oligarchy is obviously running things behind the scenes. They don't even bother with primaries any more and cable-coup the king. There is no lesser evil here. The Democrats are just evil.
Does this mean I support Trump? Lol, a pox on both your houses. Jill Stein is on the ballot, a Jewish woman that opposes genocide, it's not like it's impossible to cast an ethical vote. Or to ethically not cast in your lot with this lot at all, and join the Resistance. Many iterations of voting for the lesser evil have evolved the most malignant evil in the heart of Whitistan. America always gets worse, one lesser evil at a time.
To return to Trump, as this house of cards only has two suits, Trump is actually the lesser evil. He is of course a vulgarian, but look at his record dispassionately and the numbers don't lie. Trump killed less people with COVID and gave out more assistance, Trump did not start major wars with Russia and in the Middle East, and he was at least honestly evil. Trump is the last honest American just as Hitler was the last honest European. These men were honestly evil representatives of honestly evil empires. The other 'good' rulers were (and are) just lying.
As the Goldfinger said to James Bond when he wanted to talk, “No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.” This is the only good end to America. It is the most irredeemable Empire. I give a fuck about the American elections this time, that was a childish pastime, and after genocide one must put aside childish things. As Seneca said yonks ago, “It is not liberty that is at stake now; that has long since perished. The question is whether the state shall belong to Caesar or Pompey. What have you to do with this dispute? It is no business of yours. A tyrant (dominus) is being selected. What is it to you which one wins?” In this case, Americans, don't even get a decent tyrant, just lazy DEI branding on an invisible and unaccountable oligarchy.
I'm not an an American and I don't support America at all. I don't care who you vote for and think your elections are a farce in between global tragedies. From a foreigner perspective, Trump is better because he simply has less attention span for couping us and what you see is what you get. Trump is an asshole and America is an asshole country, this is something most Americans don't get. Trump isn't an American anomaly. He's them. Trump is obviously a violent and corrupt fool, and a good representative of that confederacy of dunces.
With the Generic Democrat, you get the same or worse actions, but with liberal posturing that require tedious untangling. Both parties will kill you, but Democrats will talk you to death also. Already privileged Americans say Trump might restrict their privileges, but I give a fuck about their feelings. These people are discussing their sex lives outside an extermination camp, their genitals are the only things Americans are really allowed to debate, and they won't shut up about them. Meanwhile, the world sees them killing children and raping prisoners to death every single day, beggaring all their rhetoric. There's no point engaging with this imperial charade of charlatans. What really bothers American liberals is that Trump embarrasses them, and Americans should be embarrassed. Not by one candidate or another, but by their whole country.
Watching the DNC (which I'm not watching) as a non-resident alien is like watching the dumbest version of the Nuremberg Rallies possible. Leni Riefenstahl at least had taste, these people are celebrating during a genocide. When I see American flags I see Nazi flags, there's no difference between the pictures, just that the Nazis were better graphic designers, and the Americans just copied the flag of the British East India Company, like the lazy, slaving oligarchs they are. I much prefer seeing the Nazi flags, because the Nazis are defeated and widely acknowledged as evil. People still wave the American flag in polite company, like it's not dirty than used loo roll.
After dropping nukes on people, decimating countless countries, and genociding Muslims for 24 years, Americans are still pretending like they're the good guys. Ask the rest of the world, for whom Nazi is not some unique European evil, but just Europeanism turned inwards. Ze Americans are just Nazis that won, and who have written a bullshit history in blood. I repeat because it's repeating every single day, and every moment we're sharing now is an agonizing one for the good people of Gaza. You are living through a hinge in history, when the doors come off a historical illusion. The White Empire was never good, in any incarnation, Dutch, British, or American. They are the baddies. They were never the good guys. How many dead children have you seen in the last 10 months? How many children died today? This isn't a hard one. Put the propaganda down and take a hard look around.
The Democratic Party is committing genocide right now. The people Democrats are cheering in Chicago are committing genocide right now. To stand in the same room is to befoul your spirit, to cheer for them is to damn your soul. I'd say that the useful idiots of the Democratic Party should be ashamed, but they honestly seem too stupid. You could distract American liberals with a set of jangling keys, and the Democratic Party has done it. Once upon a time, I thought genocide might be disqualifying, but that was obviously a fairy tale. The Democrats are just another corrupt and craven party in the corrupt and craven orgy that is American politics. They're all about the money, and the blood money is good.
This year, the Democrats are just painting the death machine brown and slapping a rainbow sticker on the back. Americans can feel 'included' in genocide while living as debt slaves with declining life expectancy and deaths of despair all around. The whole thing is a killing farce. So fuck the whole Democratic convention and fuck the historical convention of calling it a democracy at all. America started as a totalitarian, white supremacist slave state and never changed its stripes much at all. Martin Luther King said, “I fear, I am integrating my people into a burning house,” and he was unfortunately right. The American government killed him, named streets after him, and have fun roughshod all over his whole legacy. They just diversified a disaster and kept rolling with extra hypocrisy, to the dumpster fire of history anon (inshallah).
Watching America now is like watching the Nazis, except with no ability to speak coherently at all. I used to wonder what ordinary citizens were thinking during the Nazi era, but I don't wonder anymore, I see it with my own eyes all the time, that's Americans (not to mention Germany, never one to miss a genocide). American Democrats are the nice Nazis, trying to be the good guys through a whole-assed genocide, which happened almost completely on their watch. I don't believe them, and neither should you. Remember, always remember, the martyrs, and all the moments martyred, and the whole universes lost. Their blood cries out for a whole historical rewrite and it is happening, mashallah.