The Little Things That Kill Lots Of People

We just got a kitten who came with a hundred fleas. I microscoped some of the thousand eggs, which was a horror I can't unsee. We're able to deal with this because we can clean our house, we have access to veterinary services, and medicine. As a household, we have running water and the toilets flush and all the little things that keep us from itching and sickening and eventually dying. We also have a house, without bombs falling on it. These are little courtesies now extended to this little poosa, but not to lots of humans, apparently.
In Gaza, today, these are the creature comforts denied to millions of people strategically. In any war more people die from secondary causes, like hunger and disease, than from proximate murdering. In any genocide even more so, as in the colonization of the Americas. This lesson was not lost on the 'Israelis,' the last colony. The destruction of sanitation, hospitals, and food and water is not a slip-up, it's their strategy. The bloodiness is executed most bloodlessly. They have meetings about this, and the KPI is number of Gazans killed, ideally all of them.
As the former 'Israeli' National Insecurity Council member Giora Eiland openly published (via), “Israel must therefore not provide the other side with any capability that prolongs its life.” The 'humanitarian disaster' in Gaza is not a side effect of 'conflict', it is in fact the goal of the occupation army. As Eiland continued, “The international community warns us of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza and of severe epidemics. We must not shy away from this, as difficult as that may be. After all, severe epidemics in the south of the Gaza Strip will bring victory closer and reduce casualties among IDF soldiers.”
As always, I put 'Israel' in scare quote because it's A) scary and B) does not exist. Without American bombs and bullshit 'Israel' would be gone in a week. It's just the conscript colony of America, part of the greater White Empire that pretends to be different countries. What 'Israel' is following her is just classic American strategy. During World War II, America carpet bombed German civilians, actually unleashed something called 'Operation Starvation' on Japan, and nuked two entire cities. The Red Army won World War II but America won the propaganda war and they've gotten so high on their own supply that they think strategic bombing is an actual strategy. Despite losing every war since.
As General Curtis LeMay said about Vietnam, “My solution to the problem would be to tell [the North Vietnamese Communists] frankly that they've got to draw in their horns and stop their aggression or we're going to bomb them into the Stone Age. And we would shove them back into the Stone Age with Air power or Naval power—not with ground forces.” This has become a tautology among American idiots, that they're going to bomb the enemy du jour 'into the Stone Age' and that the random place they just heard about is 'going to find out why we don't have healthcare'. This strategy never actually wins, it just leads to a lot of killing, but who cares when the military industrial complex is making a killing? Which is the point of the completely out of control American war machine. To understand America, don't follow logic, just follow the money.
To return to non-existent 'Israel', they're simply following the well-established American strategy of dropping very expensive bombs on poor people and trying to starve and sicken them to death to get them to overthrow their governments. This never works but it always makes money, so it keeps happening. 'Israel' is testing whether they have the final white privilege, committing genocide and getting away with it. It's literally sickening, which is intentional. They're seeing if they can replicate the success of genocidal colonies like Canada, Australia, and America in this century. What we're seeing is nothing new, what's new is that we're seeing it.
Gaza today, apparently, doesn't smell as much of rotting bodies and smoke as waste. The 'Israelis' destroy sanitation and water supplies as a first strike, in the West Bank as well as Yemen. Wherever they be. As 'Israel's War Minister said, “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.” None of the sickness, starvation, and suffering are side effects, this is the plan. Time-tested through the colonialism of all of 'Israel's' allies, now being executed in the final colony. They kill you with the little things.
What makes this so horrifying is that it's so palpable. You can't just see it, you can feel it in every toilet flush, in every drink of water, in every trip to the pharmacy. We all depend on sanitation and clean water and edible food and medicine that works and so many little things. Most of us don't have that much experience being bombed and tortured and raped to death, but we certainly know the basic elements of living. Which 'Israel' is also killing. Quite openly, even proudly. As Two Nice Jewish Boys said, “If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second. No one actually gives a shit [about the genocide in Gaza]. Zero people in Israel … Do you care if this baby in Gaza gets polio? They’ll be like, ‘I don’t.’ There will be like 20 people who care … Fuck them.”
These are not an errant 'Israelis', they're quite ordinary. As the imperial Pew Research reports, only 4% of 'Israeli' Jews think their genocide has gone too far, and 70% of them think people should be censored for even expressing sympathy for Gazan civilians. This is a population completely in the thrall of genocidal madness, with the full support of their genocidal progenitors. 'Israel' is simply declaring their independence the way the Americans did. One of the complaints in the US Declaration of Independence is about “the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.” They were mad at the King for not letting the genocide enough, as many 'Israelis' complain about the Americans today. And they're genociding the same way. Through massacres, yes, but more through mass starvation and disease, spread willingly, even gleefully.
This is the atavistic horror we're witnessing in 2024, which is hard to witness because it hits home anytime you flush a toilet or have any sort of human need. I think of the cat infested with fleas and then the Gazan men, women, and children suffering from skin diseases and biting insects constantly. There is no way to deal with these scourges without clean water and basic sanitation, precisely the things the 'Israelis' are targeting and bombing. The official death toll hovers around 40,000 (because they also targeted the health ministry doing the counting) but the Lancet estimate 186,000 dead and the number must be closer to 500,000 now.
Every day I wonder how Gazans go on another day, and the answer is that many don't. Besides the dead now, many more are fated to die, and everyone has some trauma that will send them to an earlier grave. This is an extermination campaign, executed most cold-bloodedly, with spreadsheets and meetings to maximize the casualties. 'Israel' is losing the war but winning the genocide. As UN Special Rapporteur, Francesca Albanese said, “I am starting to think with horror that if it’s not stopped, Israel’s assault could end up exterminating almost the entire population in Gaza over the next couple of years.” Retired 'Israeli' general Yitzhak Brik said, “If the war of attrition against Hamas and Hezbollah continues, Israel will collapse within no more than a year,” but it's not happening fast enough, unfortunately.
In these unending moments of mass ending, the 'Israelis' are calculatingly targeting the little things that kill the most people. And the White Empire—brain dead and operating on pure muscle memory—is going out the way it came in, with genocidal violence. Gaza is not dead yet and I am not yet dead inside (though I'm getting there). Gaza loses life every single day and I feel it every day, in the black mirror that reflects my reality in a reverso of compete depravity. I guess this is why they call genocide a crime against humanity. I can feel it at a higher level, like it's literally killing me.
You can donate to the Gaza Municipality efforts to rebuild water supply, waste management, and sewage treatment here. I've been giving whatever I can.