The Jewish Problem Problem

A self-proclaimed Jewish state is openly committing genocide. Jewish people are openly corrupting international governments and institutions. This is certainly not all Jews, but it's many if not most Jews, and Jews that don't hate enough are slandered as self-hating. Non-Jews that resist are murdered, arrested, and slandered as antisemitic for their troubles. Jews are doing everything the vile Europeans accused them of doing (killing children, destroying nations) and this is all branded as deeply Jewish across a mass media they are openly manipulating. It sure looks like a Jewish conspiracy is running (and ruining) the world. But is it?
Hezbollah's View
To understand the Jewish problem problem, I turn to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the most antisemitic guy I know. The leader of Hezbollah knows his enemy and it's not Jews, or even 'Israel'. Nasrallah has the most clear-eyed view on the actual threat to peace in the Middle East, which is not Jews, the Jewish State®, or even (quite) the Great Satan behind it. In an interview, Nasrallah said,
There is a misconception prevalent in the Arab world regarding 'Israel'-US relations. We keep repeating this lie about the Zionist lobby - that the Jews rule America and are the real decision makers, and so on. No. America itself is the decision maker. In America, you have the major corporations, you have a trinity of the oil companies, the weapons industry, and the so-called “Christian-Zionism.” The decision-making is in the hands of this alliance. 'Israel' used to be a tool at the hands of the British, and now it is a tool in the hands of America.
What Nasrallah is pointing out is true. It's not that Jews are corrupting white nations. Whiteness has corrupted the Jews! It's not that Jews are using money to corrupt the world, money has corrupted the Jews! Like every other proxy army in the history of White Empire (South Vietnam, Afghanistan, most recently) entire nations get created and decimated as mere tools. White Empire (Britain, America, same thing) has always used divide and conquer to loot and plunder, and 'Israel' is just the latest (and last, inshallah, ruse). As Nasrallah said (in 1986), “priority should be given to removing Israel from the scene, because it was established for the express purpose of dividing and partitioning the Muslim world.”
The Historical View
The modern carbon crusaders created and maintain 'Israel' for two reasons. One was to get the Jews out of Europe. 'Israel' is the idea that certain people should 'go back where they came from' taken to its most illogical conclusion. This was the Nazi's penultimate solution (the Haavara Plan), taken up by the Americans who were in a hurry to integrate Nazis and continue Hitler's main cause of fighting communists. The second reason 'Israel' exists is in order to fracture the Middle East and frack its oil. As Joe Biden said (also in 1986), “Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region.”
Jewish people were forced out of Europe and given completely unrelated land after World War II as long they did everything Europeans accused them of doing. Destroy nations, kill children, and corrupt the world. Jews in 'Israel' conscripted their children forever in order to be Nazis to someone else. White supremacy is a ladder, and the only rule is that you must keep kicking down. Jewish people are, however, still on the the tail-end of white supremacy, in a highly tenuous position. The ongoing genocide of Gaza and now the West Bank is really a test. Do Jews have the final white privilege, being able to commit genocide and get away with it? For example, Canada, Germany, and America now lecture people on the subject, while still doing it!
This baptism of blood into full whiteness looks, however, increasingly unlikely. Historically, Jews have long been used by Europeans, allowed to amass wealth and influence, and then made the fall guys for everything wrong with Europeans. Jews have been 'powerful', had this pointed out, and then been pogromed before. Antisemitism is, actually, a completely European category of racism that they're trying to accuse other people of out of even more racism. 'Israel' is merely dumping this particularly European vision somewhere else, which is why the 'Middle Eastern' state is the only one included in Eurovision.
The fact is that Europeans and Americans were widely and vilely antisemitic before, during, and after World War II. The fact is that Jews could have been resettled in Germany or settled in America, but the people that pushed boats of refugees back into the concentration camps still didn't want them! As the book The Last Million documents, “the Wiley-Revercomb bill, as historian Leonard Dinnerstein has written, “reflected the lawmakers’ desire to exclude Jews,”
Following Hitler's own conflation of Jews and communists, the eponymous Wiley said, “This is America, our home. We want good blood to come to this country. But we do not want any “rats”—we have enough of them. We want to be careful how we handle the problem, because it is dynamite.” And then, “At one of the many low points during the debate, Senator Revercomb, indulging in a time-honored antisemitic slur about money-grubbing Jews, claimed that the displaced persons who had entered the camps after the war (again, only the Polish Jews fit this description) had not been “compelled to flee” but had “migrated and moved simply because they felt they could improve their economic condition.”
These men, were, in fact representatives of their people. As The Last Million continues, “Another Gallup poll, this one taken in August 1946, asked a sample of Americans whether they agreed or disagreed with President Truman’s plans to ask Congress to “allow more Jewish and other European refugees to come to the United States to live than are allowed under the law now. . . . Only 16 percent of the respondents answered affirmatively; 72 percent disapproved; 12 percent had no opinion.”
As you can see, 'Israel' gives Jews a position within the hierarchy of white supremacy, but only at the very bottom, following the deepest rule of the rules-based order. Always be kicking down! The problem of being at the tail end of the 'lizard people' empire, however, is that lizards will shake off their tail when threatened. This has happened to Jews many times before, and will happen to them again soon enough.
The Insanely Long View
I say all of this not necessarily to absolve Jews of all the evil they have done. My own people, the Sinhalese, are often tarred as genocidal, and we take our lumps. Muslim people to be called to examined their community after every action by any Muslim. The point is to understand 'Jewish' evil as merely a subset of the evils of white supremacy, and to know our enemy as, Nasrallah does. Nasrallah's two theses—that America is the head of the snake and that the brain of the snake is corporate—are very important. 'Israel' would disappear in an instant without American insistence, and is actually a non-entity on its own. Directing ones ire there is only nominally correct, 'Israel's' evil is really part of a larger phenomenon.
Where I go further than Nasrallah is contending that this is an even larger phenomenon than just America. In my writing I have two broad theses, that America is just the latest incarnation of White Empire, and that it has been ruled by Corporate AI for centuries now. In this insanely long-view, we can go a bit deeper into the relatively shallow 'Israel' problem.
If we apply my first thesis—that America is the head of a snake which stretches back through colonial history—then we can remove the distinction that Nasrallah makes between the British and America. They're one thing, so much so that the American flag is just a copy of the British East India Company's. The White Empire hides in plain sight, and its greatest power is the invisibility of its indivisibility. America is just the latest head of a hydra that keeps growing new ones. When that drunken war criminal Winston Churchill said, “the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old,” it was true. After Britain lost WWII and was occupied, America took over British bases and baser instincts and kept colonizing, including in 'Israel'. To those on the bottom of the imperial boot, it's just one phenomenon which changes socks occasionally, but stomps on a human face forever.
My second thesis is that this Empire is not ruled by people at all, but by corporations, which I call Corporate AI. This is why the most reliable way to understand White Empire is not to follow the rhetoric. This is like trying to understand the Coca-Cola Company by parsing its advertising. No, one must follow the money, and it rarely leads you wrong. The White Empire can change nations, the nations can change parties, and colored people can even get the top (human) jobs, but money always rules the roost. Money talks and bullshit walks. Money is the lifeblood of the AI I call Capital, and it's the only thing 'they' value. I put 'they' in scare quote because the operant 'they' is both scary and not human at all.
As someone colonized, I can tell you that we weren't colonized by kings or even people, we were colonized by corporations. From hundreds of years ago, and to this day now. The Dutch East India Company, the British East India Company, white people incarnated their greed as algorithms and it is this Corporate AI which has already devoured the world. My people have already been shit out by this beast, but their devouration is news to white people who got metabolic benefits from the process until now. Now people in the imperial core find themselves on the business end of such evil, and are entirely confused because they actually believed the commercials about liberal democracy. It was rank oligarchy all along, and the business of colonialism was always filthy lucre. The entire business model of White Empire is genocide, and 'Israel' is just the final franchising opportunity.
I understand that these two metaphorical lenses (we live in an invisible empire and it's ruled by sentient AI) is a bit bonkers, but the world is crazy isn't it? Wouldn't an explanation of crazy necessarily sound crazy? The map must at least resemble the territory. Even just used as metaphorical tools, don't these two ideas bring things into focus? We can then zoom back into 'Israel'.
Making Sense Of The Senseless
If you see with these 'glasses' on, it makes sense that America is defending 'Israel'. It's all one White Empire, of course the head defends its tail. This lens also predicts how much the head will defend the tail, which is not forever, at some point the 'lizard people' will drop tail and run. It also makes sense that Germany, UK, et al are on board, they're just occupied cuckdoms who come whenever the banners are called. If you understand that America and all its 'allies' are just the capital and vassals of a greater White Empire, you really save yourself a mouthful (of bullshit).
Then—if you see via the second lens of Corporate AI—you can see why they genocide. Blood money is just money to the machine, and the blood money is good. Genocide is precisely how the White Empire became wealthy and they've given franchise rights to 'Israel'. 'Israel' is just following the classic colonial business model. It only looks out of place because the natives have smartphones now (and RPGs, mashallah). The joint-stock companies of the 1600s were algorithmically programmed to devour people and planet and let loose across the world to commit countless (and uncounted) holocausts. This was all fine as long as they wrote the history. But now history is writing itself, and it's not pretty. We are now just reaching the logical conclusion of the very bad math of infinite growth on a human planet, total human destruction and planetary ruin. We are all Palestinians in the long-run, which is now, unfortunately.
None of this coming end times is because of Jews. They're just the fall guys for a uniquely European evil, being forced into an antisemitic caricature colony of themselves. While it is true that Jews are disproportionately represented in imperial institutions (finance, media, and government) it's important to remember that they're still a minority therein. All the Germans, Scots, and intermixed 'white' people blend into the white background and the Jews (conveniently for everyone else) stick out. Jews are definitely shareholders in the imperial project but they're minority shareholders, and—historically speaking—the first to be thrown under the bus.
The fact is that human race does not actually explain the inhumanity we're witnessing in Palestine today. The White Empire has done ever worse things before, and to the Jews also. The problem is not which people are ruling, but the fact that people do not rule at all. Humans haven't run the world for centuries, ask the colonized who know. Colonialism was always done by Corporate AI, with a few 'shareholders' living in its guts, consuming byproducts like imports, and farting out excuses like 'economics'. The human parts of colonialism have always been interchangeable and Jews are just their most movable part.
Repeating Myself As A Conclusion
Jewish people are just the tail of the lizard, tossed aside when the head is in danger. This is precisely how European rulers used them for centuries, as a point they could focus their peoples' ire on, to release the pressure via pogroms. America is just the latest head of the European snake, but even vile Americaness doesn't explain what we're viewing. The inhuman massacres of Palestinians are because we are ruled by inhumans. Again and again, the problem with white nations is not their corruption by Jews. The problem is the corruption of Jews into whiteness! And the problem is not Jews corrupting the world with money, the problem is money given sentience via corporations and let loose across the world to commit not just genocide, but an ecocide most total. The world has long been run by cruel algorithms, now running into their logical, apocalyptic conclusion, All of this has been going on for centuries, not months or even decades. And it is wrecking the entire natural world, not just Gaza.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, we would see this world as it truly is. Infinitely awful. There are invisible empires that rule us and higher-dimensional beings that rule them. I know this sounds crazy, but in a world gone crazy, you have to wear funny glasses to see. Nasrallah is a good guiding antisemite, and via my two theses, you can see that 'Israel' doesn't exist, America doesn't exist, and that no one is running the White Empire at all. The problem with 'the Jewish problem' is not merely that it's unfair to a great many good Jews. It's that it misses the higher order evil that makes history such a mystery to those living through it.