The Four White Lies That Led To COVID-Infinity

Mydaughter has COVID and it’s so sad. We think she’s OK, but why? We’ve fought this thing for years now and it’s impossible. The grandparents got it, the kids got it, we just lost.
What’s so infuriating is that it didn’t have to be this way. Even poor countries like Sri Lanka managed to suppress the first wave, but we can’t stop dozens of them. My fury is that rich, western countries pushed us into this situation, through four white lies. They’re the reason people are still dying, and why we will be cursed with this sickness forever.
1. COVID Zero is impossible and should be mocked
Even today, western media still mocks China’s Zero-Covid policy using the old white proverb ‘at what cost’. They look down their nose and month-long lockdowns to clear the virus, while just living with millions dead and tens of millions disabled forever. And their economies are doing worse than China’s by a longshot. I’d say it’s a farce if it didn’t have such tragic costs for us all.
The fact is that the world needed to unite to stop this virus, and it was possible. The West just chose to make COVID-19 more cannon fodder in their propaganda war against China, effectively unleashing biological warfare across the world.
Whatever the origins of COVID (most likely from animals), the spread of COVID is what has hurt us all. And that came out of western arrogance, not China, which squashed its epidemic and squashes each outbreak as it comes. By mocking the very idea of COVID Zero, the west has given us COVID Infinity. At such cost.
2. Flatten the curve!
The less racist hipster rallying cry was ‘flattening the curve’, which has also been proved a farce. I often think about a scientist saying how scared they were of ads that said ‘kills 99% of germs’. That means you’re breeding the 1% most virulent ones by eliminating their competition. That’s what we’ve done with COVID by ‘flattening’ and not reducing the curve to zero.
Even countries that successfully ‘flattened’ their curve to protect health systems have just seen higher curves later, and are now burdening their health systems forever with more and more disabled people. The correct answer to how much fire you want in your house is ZERO, not just a little bit so you can watch a TV program without being bothered. That’s been the great western COVID program, which they get from TV. It’s a vicious loop.
3. Just get the disease, herd immunity will develop
At some point this crazy idea of ‘natural’ immunity from getting the fucking disease emerged and well, we did an experiment on the entire human population and it doesn’t fucking work. People just keep getting re-infected, disabled, dying, and infecting others.
Herd immunity is just a fancy way of being lazy and not doing the hard work involved in COVID-Zero. So now people just have to have hard or empty lives forever, because the rich and powerful didn’t want to do anything, and the media carried their dirty water.
Herd immunity only referred to immunity through vaccination, but that’s where the last lie comes in. Because even vaccination is not enough.
4. Vaccines are enough
At one point it seemed that the western world had snatched victory from the jaws of defeat by rolling out vaccines quickly. 95%! 98%! People compared brand names, disparaged ‘foreign’ vaccines, and cheered pharma execs at dinner. It was wholly inadequate.
First, the corrupt west snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by blocking patent-free vaccine production which they’re still doing, led by the EU. This meant we could never produce enough vaccines to innoculate the world, while pharma companies made billions, an excellent return for their millions in bribes to western politicians.
Even though places like China, Russia, and Cuba tried to share vaccines and technology, it wasn’t enough. Western greed led to more and more variants which have now evaded vaccines almost completely. This was all predicted, all protested against, but they still did it. That’s how corrupt and evil they are. Even in the face of a shared threat against humanity, they can only unite to protect their stock markets.
The entire western strategy was based on hoarding these vaccines and then dropping all other public health measures, which doesn’t fucking work. By not pursuing COVID Zero they had no strategy, but by never understanding testing/tracing/isolating they never had tactics either. It was obviously going to be a rout. Against a shared threat, their laziness has resulted in everyone being in danger, forever.
The vaccine-only strategy they pursued was bound to fail because A) their people won’t take vaccines in the required numbers B) won’t follow basic hygiene like masking and C) their governments have no capacity for honest communication or honest work. All they gave the world is these four lies, which is why so many of us are in the dirt.
The Legacy Of Lies
The legacy of these lies is a disease that will be with us forever, when it didn’t have to. When we could have worked together to reduce it to zero. When we could have eliminated curves, when we could have produced enough vaccines for actual herd immunity, when we could have spread health technology across the world to fight future pandemics.
Instead this is our world. Look at it. A plague that marks the end of Western Civilization, which truly deserves to burn. I’d say good riddance, but we’re all in it, and my own daughter’s lungs hurt from the smoke. It’s so infuriating because even poor countries tried with what meager resources we had, and all we got from the rich was a marketing exercise in lies, propaganda, and wealth-serving delusion.
And now people are dead, disabled, and will be sick forever with this thing. COVID and climate collapse are the parting gifts of White Empire to the world. And their media is still out there saying ‘you’re welcome’, and still telling you to hate China, or lockdowns, or masks, or anything that might try to help. We just have to live and die with their bullshit, until Lord Shiva finally sweeps it all up.