The Diversity Dumpster Fire

Colored people and women are becoming the face of everything while everything falls apart. Great. Black people, gay people, and minorities (the actual global majority) are becoming the face of advertising. An African-American is head of the US Defense Department (actually offense). Women are constantly resigning as Prime Minister of the UK and now a Hindu is running the place. The once marginalized are becoming the face of capitalism, of liberal democracy, of Western Civilization, just as those ideas fall into the dustbin of history. They’ve diversified the same old dumpster fire, just in time for us to take the blame.
‘Diversity’ is becoming the face of disaster. Women are handed governments on fire and being told ‘hey, fix this’ then fired when they can’t. Black people are rising to heads of Police just as the whole rotten institution becomes roundly despised. Desi people become caretakers of big tech companies (Google, Microsoft, Twitter) just as they stop being startups and become just big, craven corporations. We’ve been handed the reigns just as the horse bucks and goes wild.
The annoying part is that white men will forever be able to say ‘it was better when we were in charge’, and it was. They were just running up the karmic credit card while everyone else got stuck with the bill. While they got to have liquid lunches and rape women and entire planets, the consequences of all that evil will only come after their dead. They leave statues of themselves and a mess of a planet. They stand there sneering in stone, absolutely shameless.
It’s honestly to our shame as colored people and women that we ever bought into this. That we tried being like them instead of overthrowing them and trying something else. Everyone just tried to act like white men instead of overthrowing the whole hierarchy and actually being different. So you get Margaret Thatcher and her many imitators, trying to out-dick the dickheads. You get female movie stars who run around punching and shooting people exactly like their male counterparts. You get African-Americans running AFRICOM, bombing Africa. It’s not ennobling. It’s an embarassment.
When I see all the diverse faces in stock photography and advertising I don’t feel like ‘wow, I feel represented’. I feel like, ‘fuck, now we’re the face of capitalism, just as everyone realizes it sucks.’ When I see ads for Hamilton I’m horrified. They’re blackwashing American history to make a bunch of rich slaver assholes look cool. We have Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans cosplaying as a bunch of rich white men that just didn’t want to pay taxes or give up their guns. While both Dick Cheney and Barack Obama attend and applaud. This is not an inspiring performance. It’s a reverse minstrel show.
Is this another episode of Everything Sucks? I guess. I’m not grumpy all the time, today I opened the front door and Suddhu the cat immediately walked in, it was delightful. These thoughts just run through my mind when I go through London and see all the metro ads of people that look like me. Or Desi people on Netflix (many of them of Sri Lankan origin). When I was young I dreamed of a world like this, and dreamed of being part of the great theatre and success of the world, but it feels so hollow now.
We become the leaders of the free world, just in order to drone other colored people to death? We become titans of the free market, just to become the administrators of monopolies, duopolies, and general oligarchy. We become westernized and for what purpose? To become the police that beat our own people and the immigration officers that reject ourselves? What a pyrrhic victory. We are clawing to the top of Western Civilization just as it’s exposed as a myth, and the planet burns from all the hot air. Freedom was just a branding exercise to these fuckers, and we’ve fallen for it and become the face of a flaming dumpster fire ourselves.
Western Civilization was just a giant climate, karmic, and consciousness Ponzi scheme, and at the end of every scam, someone’s got to be left holding the bag. Old, white, and increasingly dead men have scammed the whole planet and now they’re handing the bag of flaming dog shit they call a civilization to the global (and usually local majority) they dared call ‘minorities’. And we’re taking it, trying to somehow stamp out the fire, and we’re the ones that end up covered in shit. We’re getting visibility just in time to take the blame. Fucking great.