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Israel Is Winning The Genocide And Losing The War
Winning battles against babies and losing wars against men -
Remember Ukraine?
Ukraine is being abandoned and forgotten -
How Bin Laden Was Right (And Where He Was Wrong)
A critical reading of Osama bin Laden’s “Letter To America” -
Why I Support Hamas
Reading the Hamas charter, and agreeing with it all -
Israel Is Losing By Killing Civilians
You have to kill fighters in battle, not babies in incubators -
Israel Lied About October 7th
The Al Aqsa Flood was a military hit, and Israel responded by hitting their own people -
Who Benefits From War In Palestine?
Cui bono -
Why Should I Hate Hamas?
Just the latest word to let people hate Muslims in public -
How To Avoid Fighting Like Cats And Dogs
Conflict lessons from animals -
America Cannot Win A Land War In Asia, But They’re Still Trying
America is trying to start war with Russia and China, at the same time -
Poverty And Damned Statistics
How economists have it all backwards, in the US and Sri Lanka -
NATO Has Failed In Ukraine
A playground bully can’t train you in the martial arts -
Democracy™ Is Bullshit
Democracy (As Seen On TV!) doesn’t work -
The Banal Censorship Of Streaming
How content is blocked for most of the world -
Ukraine’s Catch-22
Ukraine can get protection from Russia… if they beat Russia first -
How The ‘Free World’ Is Occupied Territory
It’s been Opposite Day since 1949 -
The Western Military Isn’t Looking So Mighty Now
How many Ls before it’s ludicrous? -
With Friends Like This, Ukraine Doesn’t Need Enemies
NATO and America are cowards letting Ukraine bleed -
The Most Propagandized Place On Earth
America is an oligarchy which has privatized propaganda -
What Good Is A NATO-Trained Army?
NATO is known for beating up poor people and losing. Why are they training anyone? -
Why Russia Is Going To Win
According to John Mearsheimer, who predicted the war in the first place -
How The Police And Press Work Together
They’re both part of the same hypocrisy -
The Wrecking Of Names
Confucius said the most important thing was ‘rectifying names’. What did he mean? -
How America Is Profiting From The Destruction Of Europe (Again)
America is repeating the conquest of Western Europe, this time as a farce -
How Human Rights Is Used To Dehumanize The South
It’s just the new ‘white man’s burden’, except gayer, feminized, and even carried out by colored people -
Stop Hating China Or Russia Or Whoever You’re Supposed To
White people need to shut the fuck up and sit this century out -
The Diversity Dumpster Fire
‘Minorities’ are getting the 'reigns' just in time to take the blame -
How Big Business Makes Everything LESS Efficient
Obscene profits are the greatest market inefficiency -
Why Fascism Is Fashionable Again
At least it acknowledges that there’s a big problem -
As A Colonized Person, I’m Glad The Queen Is Dead
Ding dong the Queen is dead -
The Invisible White Empire
How America obviously yet invisibly rules the world -
Vaccines Aren’t Stopping COVID And We Need To Talk About It
By over-promising on vaccines and under-delivering, Western elites have imperiled public health for generations -
If It Ain’t Fixed, Break It
The neoliberal logic that destroys public goods -
What The 1970s Oil Shock Can Tell Us About Today
It’s just a little bit of history repeating -
Why We Need Climate Communism
Not planning our economies is just planning to fail -
The Violent Struggle Between Property And People
Property is winning. -
Sri Lanka And The Collapse Of Global Liberalism
Sri Lanka is a systemic collapse, and you live in the same system too -
How Sri Lanka Is A Neoliberal Tragedy
Sri Lanka was the first South Asian country to neoliberalize, and the first to fall -
How Sri Lanka Is Caught In A Western Debt Trap
China is only 10% of Sri Lanka debt. Where do you think the rest is from? -
My Experience Of Sri Lanka’s Big Protest
The powerful protests of July 9th, 2022 -
There’s No Clash Of Civilizations, Just A Crash Of One
How White Empire is overthrowing itself in 14 ways -
Sri Lanka Has Literally Run Out Of Gas
My country has (involuntarily) stopped importing fossil fuels -
America Is One Big Pity Party: Everybody Blames Foreigners
Democrats blame Russians, Republicans blame Mexicans, and they both blame China -
How The Rich Are Doing In Sri Lanka’s Collapse
Just fine, thank you -
The Myth Of A Free Press
There is no free press. It’s very expensive -
Why Trump Deserves To Come Back
I didn’t think it possible, but Biden is worse -
Socialism For Babies At Least 👶🏾☭
Toddlers of the world unite -
America Deserves Gun Violence
It’s chickens coming home to roost -
How Merchants Became The New Nobility
The movement of caste -
Anarchy For An Anarchic Village
Reading Tolstoy in a Sri Lankan protest village