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A 141 post collection:
The Collapse Of World War II Propaganda In World War III
America did not win WWII, and Jews were not its main victims
The Two Engines Of America (Part 1: Colonization)
How immigration is the new indentured servitude and slavery
9/11 Was An Inside Job Until Proven Otherwise
The US worked with Al Qaeda before and after 9/11, why is that day different?
An Art: Mary With Jesus (by Hitler)
Bad art by a bad artist
Now Is The Time Of Morons
Gramsci's prediction, repeated as farce
Goods Vs. Bads (China Vs. America)
What kills White Empire is not its bads, which are legion, but its goods, which are increasingly few.
Resistance Is Persistence
The guerrilla army wins by not losing, and Hamas has not lost
Not My New Year
Like most of the world, I don't celebrate New Year on January 1st
Zhukov's Revenge
Lessons from WWII for WWIII
America's Made-Up Immigration Problem
America's love/hate relationship with migration
In Memory Of The Martyr Yahya Sinwar (After 40 Days)
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends
How 'Israel' Is Used To Divide And Conquer The Middle East
The oldest trick in the imperialist book
How The Romans Dealt With Inflation
Same as today, bailout the rich and wash the poor
Horror in the supermarket aisle
How America Still Has Slavery
Prison labor, illegal immigrants, and immigrants are the new slaves
The Triangle Of Power
Maybe kings weren't so bad
How Long The Fall
We thought our civilization was flying, but we were just in free fall
What's Freedom To A Slaver?
My 10 cents
Gaza Is Colonialism 101
Genocide has always been the business model
Why I'm Not Watching The Olympics
Play Nazi games, win Nazi prizes
How 'Israel' Has Attrited The Human Attention Span
When massacres become mundane
The Two Hands Of White Empire
Around the world's neck
The Unique American Empire
The final avatar of White Empire, which commands earth, water, and air with firepower
America's Genocidal Trolley Problem
Will liberals support this genocide when Trump is doing it?
How The US Army Has Been Defeated
All branches of the US military have broken
Hamas In Action (Day 221)
Blowing up Bizarro Nazis
The Unity Of The Fields
The terminology of the Resistance, now being taught to universities
The Power Of Blood Sacrifice
The sacrifice of the Palestinian people will not be in vain, inshallah
The Genocide Of A Generation
The Nazis of our time
The Fake Countries Within White Empire
Starting with the worst, 'Israel'
America's Stupid World War
How America is fighting on multiple fronts
'Israel's' Six Front War
A perfect cube of resistance
Why Colonialism Happened (Solar Energy)
Follow the energy
Why Don’t We Call Sieges ‘Sieges’?
The ‘medieval’ siege of Gaza, using modern technology
The Coming Destruction Of ‘Israel’
Israel is built for six-day wars, not 100+
What It’s Like To Live In A Fallen Empire
All the money printers and little green men, couldn’t put Humpty together again
What’s Wrong With Israel’s Military
Bombing hospitals and fighting Hamas are very different
The Three Pillars Of America Empire Are Falling Down
How America has lost military, financial, and cultural power
Who Is The Axis Of Resistance?
A brief introduction to Hamas, Hezbollah, etc
America Doesn’t Protect Shit. It’s Just A Protection Racket
Always has been
How Bin Laden Was Right (And Where He Was Wrong)
A critical reading of Osama bin Laden’s “Letter To America”
Palestine Is How Colonialism Happens
It’s happening right now, in front of our eyes
Extinction Lessons From The Dinosaurs
As we mass extinct ourselves
Will We End Up Like The Dinosaurs?
We should be so lucky
The Long Road To Ruin
How civilization took a wrong turn thousands of years ago
The Writer’s Relief
How the worst trauma makes the best stories
How Civilization Is Waste
We’re defined by what we leave behind
Ants In The Sink
How civilizations collapse
What The Blood Sacrifice Of The Maya Can Teach Us About Today
Genital mutilation vs. the mutilation of the planet. What’s more gruesome?
How The Ancients Had Better Technology Than Us
They had communication technology so powerful it reaches us still