Of Mongeese And Men

I was in Yala watching two mongooses (mongeese?) fight without fighting. One displayed aggression, digging in and flexing, and the other, not wanting any of that mess, just ran across the road. Now imagine if one mongoose had some brainworm that made him fight no matter what. It's be a bloodbath and for no good reason at all. That's global geopolitics these days.
Fake continents like Europe and fake countries like Ukraine, 'Israel', and Taiwan are fighting much bigger countries and ignoring serious threat displays like they've got a parasitic brain infection. Which they do. America is the brainworm, making countries ignore their natural instinct for self-preservation.
Whether its mice or men, natural or national, anything that claims being likes to hold on to it, and has more ways to avoid fights than get into them. But infection by America short circuits all of this. Suddenly you have someone with no skin in the game, which breaks all the rules. Imagine if our mongoose was controlled by someone 10,000 kilometers away, who made money selling teeth and claws. He'd pick every fight possible, and move onto the next mongoose. Which is precisely what America does.
What struck me watching two mongeese not fight was that animals don't want to fight at all. They take every possible measure to protect their precious bodily fluids. Only if it's essential do they 'go wild', but they have many more coded ways of giving up. Wherein the other party usually stops. I see this at home, if the dog gets too rough with the cat, the cat goes belly up and it just stops. De-escalation is possible interspecies, indeed, it's de rigeur. It's also possible internationally, unless you got the brainworm.
The Brainworm
Today real nations (which I define as independent, and not part of the White Empire) are digging in and flexing in ways that should make smaller nations withdraw, were they not rabid with Americanism. I watch Russia hit Ukraine with hypersonic missiles that could hit perfidious Albion, showing serious teeth but not drawing serious blood. This was clearly a threat display, like our old friend mongoose, throwing up dirt. Or I watch Iran skillfully not kill people in Operation True Promise I and II, showing their weapons to tell 'Israel' something. Or I see China conduct drills around Taiwan, disturbing nothing but waves but overturning all strategic calculations. All of these nations are trying to avoid war, as any embodied being does. They're showing that they're able to defend their territory, but they're still trying to avoid costly aggression.
If Ukraine, 'Israel', and Taiwan were real, independent countries, they would get the message, and probably not have been in this situation in the first place. It is exceedingly rare for smaller species to provoke their larger neighbors. You rarely see mongoose on water buffalo violence. Unfortunately these are not independent countries at all. They don't even have the self-preservation instincts of an earthworm because they're just worms on a hook, dangled by America. When you hear the sweet things America says about these 'allies', remember. A fisherman might utter a prayer over the worm, but only to drown them.
These non-nations might think America is their gracious host but no, that's just the parasite talking. These countries are lobotomized with liberalism. They're zombified into zealotry. You can threaten such nations with conquest all you want and it doesn't matter. America has already conquered them. It's like yelling at a zombie. Its brain is gone and it's just going to eat yours if you get too close. You really need to talk to the imperial manager.
The fact is that Ukraine, 'Israel', and Taiwan do not exist as independent countries but to constrain the independence of the bigger countries around them (Russia, Iran, and China, respectively). All of these nations are neocolonial creations, military bases with airs and graces, gates placed around the Asian continent for its eventual invasion. As Mao Tse-Tung said, “Imperialism is afraid of China and of the Arabs. Israel and Formosa [Taiwan] are bases of imperialism in Asia. You are the front gate of the great continent, and we are the rear. They created Israel for you, and Formosa for us.” Ukraine was couped for the same reason. These are just doors for America to kick in, they have a most liminal and unfortunately temporary existence.
You don't have to take my word for it, look at the legal status of these states within American Empire.
Ukraine is not a member of NATO and will never be, they're being strung along like a worm on a hook. Ukraine is a like a couped and concussed woman who believes that the abusive man is going to marry her. He never will, I'm sorry. America gives a fuck about Slav on Slav violence. They're just there to make a killing.
In the same way, America makes a big show about supporting Taiwanese independence, but does not officially acknowledge Taiwan at all. Taiwan is a part of China according to America's official policy. This has been their position since Nixon. I'm sure Taiwan thinks America will put a ring on it someday, but all they'll get is encircled by China and cut off.
Finally, America has no formal defense treaty with 'Israel,' though they certainly have a 'special' relationship. But to continue my metaphor, isn't that what all mistresses are told? Jews should know better than to trust the promises of European(ish) monarchs, they've been scapegoated many times before. Now they're just the fall guys for the fall of White Empire.
Ukraine, Taiwan, 'Israel', these fabrications of nations all think they're the beloved children of empire but they're just its bastards. Born (or couped into) White Empire, but officially unacknowledged and thus easily tossed off. There's a lot of propaganda about how vital these nations are, but absolutely zero official paperwork. It's like the fuss over a human sacrifice before the altar.
These nations have all got the brainworm, they've been lobotomized by liberalism, zealified by zombieism, and couped in the head if they show any signs of independent cognition. These nations do not have the self-preservation senses of the simplest animal because they do not have self-control. And thus the usual methods of not fighting do not work on them. Such nations are impervious to any threat delay because the real brain(worm) is 10,000 kilometers away and not remotely threatened.
Such creations of nations will fight to the death, because their lives do not belong to them at all. They are pawns in the hand of a mad king, easily sacrificed and discarded. As Henry Kissinger said, “it may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.” He said this as a hypothesis (if America lets Vietnam's Theui fall then), and it's been proven true a dozen times since. Theiu fell, followed by Batista, Noriega, Pahlavi, Ghani, and Zelenskyy soon enough. All of these men are just prophylactic politicians; used to fuck countries and then being discarded. America is happy to fight to the last Ukrainian, Chinese, or Semite. It cares about none of these people, or even people in general. America is only loyal to one thing—money—and all these lives are forfeit in its cruel calculations.
As much as 'Israel', Ukraine, and Taiwan are propped up as real (and really important) countries, this is all just the fuss over a virgin before the sacrifice. 'Israel' is in fact the least safe place for Jews, it's where they have their children conscripted into an imperial army forever. Ukraine is in fact has the least democracy to defend, America overturned and then suspended elections entirely. And Taiwan is just a province of China according to America. What are we even talking about? None of these countries exist at all, in fact, the whole continent of Europe is made up. It's just a bunch of infected countries in Asia, controlled by the invasive feces that colonized the Americas.
This intercontinental short circuit is why none of the usual threat displays work and war in Asia just keeps escalating. There is no sense of self-preservation without self-determination, just a deep sense of self-deception. All of these countries that depend on America for their very existence are fighting for an independence they've already lost. What difference does it make if Ukraine, Taiwan, or 'Israel' are conquered by their neighbors? They're already conquered, by America. They've all got the brainworm that makes a mongoose fight to death, thinking it's a leopard.
All of Europe has the brainworm that makes Estonia bark, like a chihuahua, at a bear. That makes Jews attack the region and religion that didn't genocide them, in alliance with their own genociders. That makes Chinese fight amongst themselves. All of these conflicts would be de-escalated if these nations returned to their actual size and the old threat displays worked at diffusing tension. That is to say, all the problems America purports to solve would be solved by America simply fucking off. But America's got the capitalist, colonialist brainworm, and its colonies and cucks have been given the brainworm by extension. It's brainworms all the way down, to mutually assured oblivion.
I think about this as I watch animals not fight and humans fight, and wonder how we dare call ourselves rational. What does rationality even mean in this context? It's just a fancy word for the sense of self-preservation by clear perception. What is truth but perceiving the world clearly, so as to not be killed by it? Truth (for social animals) is also perceiving each other clearly, so that we don't kill each other in pointless violence. Mongeese somehow get it, but men and, least of all, nations don't. Thus when it comes to men and mongeese, I'm with the mungos.