If You Count Colored People, World War III Has Begun

Historically, it's only called a 'World' War if white people are dying. Like America somehow has a 'World' Series with only two countries in it. They say World War II ended in 1945, but it only ended for Europe. Colored people kept dying for decades afterwards in what they called the Cold War, referring to their hearts more than anything. But how does this term, cold, make sense? Is our blood not hot? Was there not war waged across the world for decades after?
'After' World War II, America immediately took up the white man's burden from Hitler and continued waging war across the world. America immediately took up Hitler's main cause of fighting commies with literal Nazis running NATO. This was all war and it happened in the world (Chile, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam), but we don't call it World War because the victors write the history and the victors were racist AF. It's only a 'World' War if it affects them, everything else are disconnected battles (which still somehow have America at the center). But who cares about the victims of history? They get written out.
If we included colored people (and Slavs), as I do, World War II actually ran hot until 1991. That's when the USSR finally fell (largely of its own accord) and America seemed to have won it all. Like a dog chasing a car that ran into a telephone pole on its own, America barked proudly that they were #1 and Francis Fukuyama crowed that this was the end of history. The rest of time would be just a few mopping up operations for liberal democracy, the triumphant and universal form of government, the thousand-year Reich reborn. Churchill said if Britain lost the White Empire would re-rise from the colonies (ie America) and it seemed to happen. Until now.
Today you can make a plausible claim that World War III has started not because there's war all over the world (which was never the definition) and not because it's affecting white people terribly (which was the definition) but because Empire is losing control of definitions entirely. The victors write the history and America is visibly losing power. The mystery they made of history is rapidly falling apart.
Other people will write the history going forward so fuck it, I'll call it myself, as a random Sri Lankan of little influence or import. World War III has already begun. There's war all over the world, and it's all connected. What else do you call it? I don't care if white people aren't dying en masse and Europe isn't burning (though one lives in hope). For quite enough of the world, World War III has already begun.
Franz Ferdinand Was In The Twin Towers
Given that World War I and II were also connected, the inflection point of this war could be backdated to September 11th, 2001. Whatever happened that day, America took hits on its horcruxes of economic and military power (the World Trade Center and Pentagon), with only the hit on Capitol missing until January 6th, 2021. At this point, ‘the mandate of heaven was withdrawn’. America could and would lumber on for a while, but power is a story, and in 2001 they lost the plot.
9/11 triggered the start of America's long genocide against Muslim people, which only culminated in the genocide of Gaza ('Israel' does not exist, it's just a tit on the mule of White Empire). Before Gaza, White Empire had killed at least 5 million and displaced nearly 40 million in genocidal attacks on Muslims (or anything Muslim adjacent in their dim calculations). This was all war and it happened all across the world, which is why I call it World War III. We can reasonably date the start of World War III to September 11th, 2001.
Great Power Conflict
You might say, however, that America was just bombing weddings and fighting rag-tag insurgents. Just a little bit of post-colonial colonial violence. This wasn't Great Power conflict, just recreational torture and murder. But those rag-tag insurgents beat or drew the great empire, doesn't that make them greater than or equal to, if we're being objective? But let's leave that racist thumb on the scales for now.
I think we can indubitably say that America entered Great Power conflict with its battles against Russia and Iran, ancient civilizations which somehow maintained a modern independence. They are also poking the potentially greatest but militarily untested power in China. Russia is a peer or superior in all categories of modern warfare and Iran evolved around America to become superior in missile technology and drone warfare. China's war making is untested because they don't start wars, but given their industrial overcapacity, America would certainly fuck around and find out, especially in China.
We are in the age of hot Great Power conflict, if you count colored blood, as I do. America is fighting Russia directly in Ukraine (those ATACMS don't fire themselves) and now in Syria. The greater White Empire is fighting Iran directly and Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen have risen up. The free people of the Middle East have 'united the fields' in a historic rebellion which adds another important date to our history. October 7th, 2023. What the Resistance calls the Al Aqsa Flood (read the Resistance!), what I call a historic ghetto uprising. October 7th is perhaps the most important historical marker in the fall of White Empire. The beginning of the fall.
The Beginning Of The End
October 7th marks the beginning of the end. Not of 'Israel' which has already lost, but of White Empire itself. As we've said, the victors write the history, and once history starts to write itself, you're fucked. The entire edifice of White Empire was built on the (fraudulent) idea that they were the good guys of World War II, but you cannot sustain that illusion while committing a live-streamed genocide. Nor can you continue you sustain the illusion of power while losing the Red Sea to Yemen, losing air supremacy over your most defended colony ('Israel'), losing in all categories to Russia, and losing a trade war to China by shooting themselves in the foot. If you can't force it—and America cannot force it anymore—the history writes itself. And writes you out.
Today liberal democracy is discredited all over the world, it was obviously just a Trojan Horse for imperialism all along. South Korea was (briefly) under martial law, France's minority government has fallen, Ukraine doesn't have elections at all. The approval ratings of all the imperial 'democracies' like Germany and Canada are in the toilet, though the political turds won't flush. All the branding of Democracy™ is peeling off and we can see the naked imperialism that always was. There is a collapse within collapse within collapse, and the epicenter is in Palestine (as befits the age dated from a rebellious Palestinian).
The martyred founder of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin said that 'Israel' would end by 2027 and I don't see America making it much further either. It's one White Empire and 'Israel' is its (wife and child) beating heart. As the martyr Ghassan Kanafani said, “Imperialism has laid its body over the world, the head in Eastern Asia, the heart in the Middle East, its arteries reaching Africa and Latin America. Wherever you strike it, you damage it, and you serve the World Revolution.” What is happening now strikes at the heart, body, and soul of White Empire and in its writhing, desperate Wars of Terror, it's only making things worse. America could have gone on for the rest of this century fading in the history, but they want to go down in a blaze of gory. And so it goes. Pride goeth, in this case quite rapidly, before the fall.
Today, White Empire has started not one but two land wars in Asia, and are itching for another. This doesn't end well for anyone in history, and America is no young buck like Alexander, and cannot be made great again. Octogenarians like Biden and Trump are not going to regenerate White Empire, though they are good representatives. Immoral, degenerate, and physically dying in office. This is how history repeats itself, the tragedy of World War II followed by the farce that is World War III. America dies as a luxury terrorist force, calling the real heroes terrorists. A ‘dying empire led by bad people’, as young Americans correctly see it, taking as many people with them as they can, but to different destinations. The martyrs go up, and the White Empire is going down. I don't know when World War III will end, but mark my words. It's already begun.