How WW2 Led To WW3

If you include wars that affect non-white people, we are already well into World War III (2001-2027, inshallah). As the Nazis that won (Ze Americans) topple nations and genocides entire populations, it's important to put things in historical perspective, and to not despair in the face of the despicable. Remember that for most of World War II, the Nazis were winning. But they lost in the end because resistance persisted, and not a little because evil is its own worst enemy.
World War II
From 1939-1943 (two-thirds of the official war), Europe was getting rolled up like a cheap rug and the USSR was reeling like after too much Smirnoff. The National Socialists (Nazis) barely lost a battle till Stalingrad in early 1943, and all the Soviets won was rubble. Stalingrad was razed to the ground. The Soviets had still lost more men, more matériel, and more land, but in Stalingrad the Germans lost momentum, which is fatal for a Blitzkrieg operation. 1943 was not when the tide stopped (indeed, the Nazis killed more people in retreat), but when it turned, but that's only in hindsight. At the time, the Nazis were still mighty formidable. We are approaching such a historical terminus now, if you'll allow me to rewrite history.
While World War II historically ended in 1945, consider the source. If you include colored people and Slavs, war across the world continued until 1991. What people miss is that World War II was a three-way war, with shifting alliances. Once the alliance of convenience between commies and capitalists ended, they fought for decades more. The three parties to WWII were, broadly, the ‘good’ imperialists (America, UK, France), the ‘bad’ imperialists (Germany, Japan), and the brand-new communists (the USSR, China). In the first part of the war, the ‘good’ imperialists were saved by the communists, ending WWII as we know it. But that was not the end at all, if you could all people, as they do. For another 46 years, World War II continued as a two-way war, with America continuing to fight the USSR until it (largely of its own accord) fell over. This marked the ‘end of history’ in 1991-ish according to Francis Fukuyama, but it really marked the end of WWII.
It's important to understand that America assimilated the Nazis and continued their mission. As Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov said in his memoirs, “German imperialism set itself the goal of eliminating the world’s first socialist country and enslaving the peoples of many countries. Yellow with time are today the documents, directives and maps in which the Hitler hierarchy charted the destinies of Europe, Asia, Africa and America after the anticipated defeat of the USSR.” America largely accomplished the Nazi's goal, outlasting the USSR and enslaving countless countries under the ‘rules-based order’ (AKA, we rule). Hitler's dream of Brits and Americans and Germans slaughtering commies and subhumans together was realized, albeit sans Hitler, who had to die for Europe's sins. This is the coalition genociding Gaza as we speak. In his grave, Hitler is not spinning but grinning.
‘After’ World War II, Nazis were assimilated into NATO, the Jews were largely deported out of Europe, and socialist liberation movements across the world (please show me a Capitalist Liberation Front) were crushed mercilessly. National Socialists became National Capitalists and kept sinning, grinning, and unfortunately winning. There was no post-war era after 1945 because America immediately began fighting commies, it just stopped affecting white people. Korea, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia were battles in this unfinished war over Asia, not random, isolated events.
Ze Americans spun World War II as their victory against fascism but A) they didn't win it and B) fascism was just a brand of the imperialism they were also peddling. As Marshal Zhukov said, “The Great Patriotic War was an armed clash between socialism and fascism, the most reactionary and aggressive force of imperialism.” What we call WWII was a grand battle between imperialism and socialism, with fascism merely being a type of imperialism. The fighting on the western front was actually a civil war within White Empire, between competing imperialisms (Britain, France, America). The eastern front and China's fight with China was the only actual liberation going on, who care about the liberation of slavers and genociders like France and England to slave and genocide some more (as they did)? They deserved worse than they got, albeit from better people. Hitler died to wipe away the sins of the wretched Europeans and they went on sinning with ‘at least we're not Hitler’ to forever absolve them. The fact is that fascism might have lost World War II in 1945, but imperialism won by 1991, creating the tensions that require World War III today.
World War III
I backdate the start of World War III to 2001 because what else would you call a war that killed at least 5 million and led to the invasion and destruction of dozens of countries across the world? It's war... across the world, I dunno, put two and two together.
After started this conflagration with their Reichstag fire moment on 9/11, their once and current proxy Al-Qaeda going off the chain, which the American chain of command seemed entirely ready for. As General Wesley Clark said, quoting some dude in the Pentagon, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” And like a Scooby-Doo villain, they almost got away with it. Each of those wars, some of them ongoing, are presented as America defending itself against provocations in the news. But the news, especially given the flimsy connection of Iraq to 9/11, is a ruse to sell plans plotted long before. As Clark continued,
I was called in by an officer on the Joint Staff who told me that we were going to invade Iraq. I asked him why, and he said he didn't know, but guessed it was because we didn't know what else to do. The reasoning behind the invasion actually dates back a decade to the spring of 1991, which involved a significant debate within the Republican Party regarding whether the Gulf War should have concluded with the capture of Baghdad and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. In 1991, when I spoke with Secretary Wolfowitz, he expressed that we had failed to remove Saddam Hussein and believed we should have done so. He argued that we had only five or ten years to stabilize the Middle East by eliminating old Soviet surrogate regimes like Syria and Iraq before another superpower emerged on the scene.
Whereas the Germans were aggrieved by losses in World War I, the Americans were somehow aggrieved by things they didn't win in World War II. The old ‘Soviet surrogates’ were largely inoffensive after the fall of the USSR and Russia itself was lost in the neoliberal wilderness. But it somehow wasn't enough for America's enemies to lose, America wanted them defeated. So it hyped those threats up just to shoot them down. As Clark said, “I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail,” or as war criminal Madeline Albright said, “What's the point of having this superb military that you're always talking about if we can't use it?”
In this way, America started World War III, using 9/11 as its Pearl Harbor. This gave them a casus belli to match their natural bellicosity, to solidify the police state at home and topple states abroad. This has been going for decades now, so long that we consider it normal. This was called the War on Terror but it was a War of Terror is you assume that colored people have feelings too (as I do). And it was pointedly not called a World War despite being quite literally a war waged all across the world. Comrade Zhukov described maps, yellow with time, that “charted the destinies of Europe, Asia, Africa and America after the anticipated defeat of the USSR.” Just a decade after the actual loss of the USSR, America dusted off its own maps and started redrawing borders like Nazis that won. National Socialists, Nationalist Capitalists, what's the difference when you're being bombed?
World War III was being waged against already isolated states or non-states for over two decades so there wasn't much need to state anything about it. If a colored tree falls in a racist forest, who gives a fuck? World War™ is a threat alert reserved for when white people are troubled by the consequences of their own actions, which hasn't quite happened yet. However, when the 'Cold' War in Ukraine's Donbass region got hot in 2022 and when the Gaza Ghetto Uprising happened in 2023, suddenly the plot thickened. America (and all the vassals of White Empire) were fighting not one but two land wars in Asia, and threatening another over Taiwan. Returning to Zhukov's discussion of Nazi plans, Europe was conquered, Africa was debt trapped, the Americas were pretty well genocided, but Asia was proving resistant, and time was running out.
Thus the end of World War II (like the end of World War I) gave us the starting blocks of World War III. Britain and then America mobilized conscript colonies in Palestine and now Ukraine to encircle Asia from the west, and conscript colonies in South Korea and Taiwan to garrison it from the east. ‘Encircling’ a giant continent like Asia is a strange idea, but that's the nature of the beast. As Mao said in 1965, “Imperialism is afraid of China and of the Arabs. Israel and Formosa [Taiwan] are bases of imperialism in Asia. You are the gate of the great continent and we are the rear. They created Israel for you, and Formosa for us. Their goal is the same.”
The Fighting Of World War III
I think we have somewhat established ‘a’ why for World War III. Because the war between imperialism and socialism was incomplete, and America still had a bit of a mopping up operation after World War II. The question of how World War II was fought is also interesting, because it tells you what's happening in World War III.
World War II—being fought thousands of kilometers away from America—was fought force light and heavy bomber. America conquered, corrupted, and occupied forward bases like the UK, France, and Germany, but its own military was relatively small and relied heavily on technology. This is the basic formula America brings to any war today. They'll fight to the last Ukrainian, 'Israeli', or Taiwanese, and make money on the arms dealing (irregardless of outcome).
It's important to see the pattern of American war making. America has not been able to conscript its own army since Vietnam, has not been able to field its debt slave army since Afghanistan, and now relies on its conscript colonies entirely. Ukraine, 'Israel', South Korea, and Taiwan. However, as Hitler could have told them, this is not a good idea. The Romanian, Hungarians, and Finns covering the Nazis flanks folded easily. These were not shock troops as much as shockingly bad troops, as America found with the collapse of South Vietnamese, Afghan, and now Ukrainian armies. The Americans, however, believe their own propaganda and have not learned anything. Why would they, since other people are dying for their sins, and when they're making a killing? It all seems like the perfect crime, until you remember that Scooby-Doo villains do not, in fact, get away with it.
Observe how America fights each of these wars, and you can see they're actually getting weaker with each iteration of aggression. America fought Korea and Vietnam with their own men, which is no longer physically possible. Even if America could conscript an army, 77% of its menfolk are too fat, mentally ill, or drugged-out to serve, even if they wanted to (which they do not). Afghanistan was the last war physically led by Americans and may be the last one ever. Every war since then has been a proxy war and proxy, by definition, ain't the real thing.
America has gone from an army that could invade and occupy anyone, to an army that could at least invade and destroy anyone, to just an arms dealer, to a sleazy used arms dealer. The military industrial multiplex can still do an awful lot of killing, but they're in a death spiral. They're trying to repeat the hits of the 80s except without an industrial base, a functional military, and with a multiplex full of shitty reruns as weak propaganda cover. Tom Cruise flying a jet at age 60? We've literally seen this one, and it ain't print.
No amount of money printing can solve actual material problems, but that's America's only solution to anything. However, they cannot print bullets, nor can they make rare earths plentiful. They literally cannot attack China without China's help, but they're still barking at them like mad dogs, frothing. America is a cornered beast and a wounded beast also, which is certainly dangerous, but also delusional. America can still kill lots of civilians and wreck many nations on the way out, but they've been in a long retreat since Afghanistan at least. Like the Nazis for the latter part of the war, when they were the most vicious.
America's method of war fighting—now amplified and televised around sacred Palestine—is actually much closer to the Nazi method of collective punishment which they continued even after it became an inefficient use of munitions. Describing his plans for Moscow, Hitler said,
The city must be encircled so that not a single Russian soldier, not a single inhabitant—man, woman or child—can escape. Every attempt to leave is to be suppressed by force. The necessary preparations must be carried out so that Moscow and its suburbs are flooded with water with the help of immense installations. The site of what is today Moscow must become a sea which will forever conceal the capital of the Russian people from the civilized world. In the case of all other towns, the rule should hold that prior to their occupation they should be reduced to ruins by artillery fire and by air raids.
This is no different from the 'Israeli' (re: American) plans for Palestine, to lock and then kill or starve everyone inside the Gaza ghetto, as a very public punishment for the Gaza ghetto uprising. Americans even had plans to 'flood' the tunnels of Gaza which proved unworkable, but they're still working on civilians with artillery and air raids daily.
Again and again, America learned all the wrong lessons from World War II, because they believed their own propaganda about them winning it. Thus they ended up closer to the losing strategy of the Nazis (at least partly because they assimilated them directly into NATO). What's important to remember about all of this history, however, is not the why nor the how but the when. Because the Nazi strategy worked very well for two-thirds of World War II. Just not the important part. The end.
The End
I reference Nazis not as an insult. I actually think Hitler was the last honest European. All Hitler did was apply European colonial procedures to Europe, as Aimé Césaire said. In Mein Kampf, Hitler said he wanted the Lebensraum other Europeans already had in their colonies. He went for Europe because that's what was left (and because he seemed afraid of crossing water). The greater White Empire (with origins in Europe and heirs in America) invaded, genocided, tortured, and raped across the world for centuries and is still going. They don't call their wars against the world wars because they don't consider us human, but fuck them, I'm writing the history now and it is what it is. Nazi is not nearly a bad word as ‘European’, and ‘American’ is positively repulsive.
To single out the heirs to White Empire, Americans have caused the most suffering and been the most insufferable about it. Pompous asses pumping children full of lead, and making interminable movies about how they felt about it. Americans have, in fact, always been worse than the Nazis, this is not controversial if you're objective about it. What happened in their plantations is worse than concentration camps and went on for centuries. These people raped women and sold their own children. American is an absolutely cursed place, it's literally built on an 'Indian' graveyard, like the hotel in The Shining.
After ‘defeating’ the Nazis, the Americans continued the Nazi's work of killing commies until 1991, and then selected the Muslims as their subhuman race to exterminate in earnest from 2001. America has killed at least 5 million in its post 9/11 Wars of Terror, and must have doomed a million more just last year. The Thousand-Year Reich was only 12 years but America has actually reigned terror for centuries. Please tell me how the Nazis are worse. The Americans inspired the Nazis and then assimilated them.
National Socialists, National Capitalists, Nazis, Nacos, different boots same feet, stamping on a human face forever, as that snitch Orwell said. But in the world of non-fiction, no empire lasts forever, least of all confederacies of dunces. As I said, we now see great armies reduced to petty arms dealers, warriors against 'terrorism' reduced to luxury terrorist suppliers, like LL Bean for Al-Qaeda.
Gaza is America's Stalingrad/Leningrad and the current Battle of Kursk is well, the old Battle of Kursk (history seems to be bored of us and is no longer subtle). Yes, the Americans have reduced Gaza to rubble and absolute struggle, but the Germans did the same to Stalingrad and Leningrad. They buried millions of souls there, but did not emerge out of it unscathed either. And the rules of this war are different. As the infernal Henry Kissinger said—“the guerrilla wins if he does not lose,” and Hamas, Hezbollah, and Ansarallah have taken serious blows, but are still fighting (Godspeed to them, I'm not worth the dust on one fighter's sandals). And this is just one front that Ze Americans are fighting on. Hitler tried this too if you remember, and it does not end well. The saying goes never start a land war in Asia, and the Americans are starting three.
Whereas Hitler at least had the wisdom to secure one flank before starting another (oceans always confused him), Americans are throwing all of their enemies in Asia together out of sheer arrogance and hubris. Iran is now integrated with Russia and possibly China, the nightmare blunt rotation for American political thinkers from the 1980s and 90s (back when they had them). Now, of course, America is run by absolute morons which, surprisingly, can go on for a while, but it can't go on forever.
I mention this all at length to show the historical view, outside of the desperate straits of the present news cycle. The loss of Syria, the losses in Gaza, these are horrifying and real, but not new. If you read the history of World War II, it's depressing, horrible, and desperate most of the time, until it isn't. And even that was incredibly rough going. More people were killed after the Germans strategically lost the war than while they were winning. It was a long, brutal march to 1945 and, for the vast majority of the war, the socialists were being beaten, and beaten badly. Then the Americans joined the Nazis and the socialists seemingly lost history in 1991, until they reemerged stronger with Chinese characteristics. It's important to remember this, as we enter year 24 of World War III.
If you read what passes for American strategy documents (like Project 2025), it's clear that they view their main global enemy as China, and they're nowhere near them. America has been trying to pivot to China for decades and all they've done is blow their ammunition in Ukraine and their reputation in the Middle East. If anyone wins from all this carnage it's not America but China, who is doing the meme, ‘Do nothing. Win.’ And the Resistance will eventually win their own land back simply by being there and being brave because, as the Taliban proved, “you may have the watches, but we have the time.” If you read the Resistance you can see that they view this as a generational struggle, and they believed in it when it was much more hopeless than this. So don't lose hope now is all I'm saying. If you read history, it's repeating, and we're near the beginning of the end, not the end of the beginning. Godspeed to the Resistance and God-damn the White Empire, in all its reincarnations.