Gaza Is Colonialism 101

The Genocide of Gaza is not some new method, it's just Colonialism 101. Kill, kidnap, rape, and torture the natives. Attack their food supply—be it buffalo or bread—and spread disease among the rest. Kill them directly and kill them indirectly, just get them dead. Then take the land, white-out the history, and people forget. The genocide of Gaza is an anachronism, not an anomaly. Out of time but not even remotely out of step.
America and the Europe support the Genocide of Gaza is because it's them. It's not that the Jews survived one holocaust to perpetrate another, Europeans have perpetrated both of them. And these are just two genocides out of many. Genocide and ecocide is the whole business model. Kill people, rape the earth, on to the next one. The weapons hitting Gaza, the propaganda burying the bodies, the corruption of international institutions, it's all White Empire, there's nothing uniquely 'Israeli' about it. 'Israel' is just a proxy which would disappear in an instant without western insistence. It's all one continuous White Empire and one continuous colonial project. The Jews they deported to 'Israel' have just been made the fall guys for white greed, as is the European tradition.
People have asked whether Empire is laying some new blueprint for future oppression, but is in in fact the same old colonialism with modern weaponry. Everything is a reboot, including the Genocide of Gaza. When 'Israel' destroys healthcare, starves entire populations, tortures, rapes, genocides, and lies about it they are simply following in their masters' footsteps. The Americans spread smallpox in blankets and said “kill every buffalo you can! Every buffalo dead is an Indian gone.” The Belgians made parents wear their children's severed hands around their necks if they didn't work hard enough. Christopher Columbus immediately raped and sold children into sex slavery. The sex slaver Thomas Jefferson complained that the British King was not letting them genocide quickly enough. America's Declaration Of Independence reads, “He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.” Then as now, every accusation is a confession.
Why is this stuff still happening? Because the colonizers were never defeated. America, Belgium, Britain, Australia, Canada, all these genocidal hate crimes are not bad words as they should be, they're just normal countries. Indeed, they're countries that preach to others about what normal is. The history most people learn makes Nazis the definition of evil, and not just, as Césaire said, colonialism turned inwards on Europeans. After Hitler died for their sins, Europeans continued sinning for decades, unrepentant. France continued committing genocidal violence in Algeria and Vietnam, the UK ran concentration camps in Kenya, America massacred people all over. I'm just listing things off the top of my head because there are so many examples. These people still have colonies all over the world! New Caledonia, the Falkland Islands, Puerto Rico, islands across the Caribbean. Colonialism never stopped, it just rebranded, and lazily.
Even just a few decades years ago, America started a genocidal campaign across the Middle East, killing at least five million people and displacing nearly 40 million. This was explicitly targeted at Muslims—the latest natives sitting on resources the White Empire wanted—and destroyed entire nations. A textbook genocide which you won't find in any textbook, because the massive amounts of white-out still applied to history. This is chalked up as just whoops. It's called the War On Terror instead of the War Of Terror because the real terrorists are still writing the history. But now, slowly but surely, they're losing. Starting from 'Israel', their most horrible horcrux.
'Israel' is just a part of the White Empire. It wouldn't exist without Britain and it can't exist without their heirs, America. A preoccupation with 'Israel' as something real distracts people from seeing what it really is. 'Israel' is just part of the White Empire which they themselves (may) be a part of, and cannot vote their way out of. When people say ‘if 'Israel' gives the land back, what about America?’ they're absolutely right, thought they absolutely don't mean it that way. That's why western countries are so deeply invested in 'Israel'. 'Israel' is them. If they accept any of the obvious logic about the evils of 'Israel', they'd have to accept the evil empire they're a part of, which is way too much cognitive dissonance for most people. That cognitive dissonance is the fundamental crack in the Liberty Bell.
The Liberty™ that Americans celebrate was in fact the liberation from all norms they claim to value. America was founded on genocide and has never stopped doing it. The empire that the British still claim was genocide too. The superior culture that Europeans venerate is just white supremacy. And the immigrants hapless and hopeful enough to 'assimilate' into this just find themselves administering the White Empire, as colored people did back then too. The latest lie they told was that decolonization happened at all, and that we could diversify this disaster and keep going. In fact, the empire just went invisible and continued extracting resources and labor without interruption. Colonialism never stopped and you can see it clearly in Palestine, where they're still trying to genocide the native population, in full view.
The only thing different about today is that it's today. Political circumstances have changed, and geology would like a word too. Today the natives have satellite TV, smartphones, RPGs, hypersonic missiles and aren't putting up with this shit anymore. Countries like China and Iran have actually decolonized and Russia—after trying to join Europe—has joined rising Asia too. These are the battle lines of an undeclared world war that's already begun, though—like the World Series—it won't be called that until it overtly involves Americans.
They don't call this a World War because that term is reserved for white people dying, but a war across the world is what's happening by any objective metric. World War I and II was White Empire fighting within itself over colonial power, but World War III is them fighting the colonized, and losing. The White Empire that assimilated the Nazis into NATO are losing like the Nazis did, overstretched on multiple fronts and wasting resources on a pointless genocide which only condemns them forevermore.
Colonialism is ending, but ending too late, as the climate collapses upon us all. The colonial genocide of people was really just a part of the ecocide of trillions of sentient creatures, and their angry ghosts and Allah Themselves would like a word. Above the Al Aqsa Flood is the Flood itself, which will unfortunately spare no one. Someday soon the meek will inherit the earth, but a ruined one. The ruined earth of Gaza is, in that way, is a preview of all of our futures. God be with them, and God be with us all, as this terrible historical lesson comes to its terrifying conclusion.