Sri Lanka's Change Election

In Sri Lanka, one party—a nominally commie party—has won a landslide election, taking a supermajority of Parliament. Sri Lankans have been posting the Ls more than the winners, all the corrupt old guard that's leaving. We won't be sorry to see the back of them. These bastards bombed our churches as political advertising, killed whatever minority was politically expedient, bankrupted the country into a western debt trap, and were casually thievy and rapey. They killed my wife's uncle, they've stolen from my family; they thought they could get away with murder and they did, quite regularly (RIP Thajudeen, Lasantha, so many).
For my entire adult life Sri Lanka was a two-party uniparty, characteristic of the Trojan Horse liberal democracy the Brits dumped here (beware Greeks bearing gifts). The rules of the rules-based order is heads they win, tails you lose. Every election was a rigged coin flip, with the same house always coming out on top. Politicians would keep changing chairs, but it was the same old faces. They just kept murdering and thieving and reproducing, introducing their idiot sons into office; pistol whipping people at nightclubs. I honestly thought we'd never be rid of them, then it happened. Yesterday, actually. Both parties have imploded and most of their politicians are out of Parliament entirely. All are out of government. It's been a full house cleaning. A clean sweep of sinecures.
What does this mean? Well, since the winning NPP coalition is only nominally communist, it unfortunately doesn't mean communism. Incoming Prime Minister (AFAIK) Harini Amarasuriya said, “I would describe ourselves as a left oriented left-wing Progressive Party. We're not a Marxist-Leninist party like the JVP because that requires, that is, a Marxist-Leninist party has a much more formal structure. There are full-time cadres in that party for example, we don't have that system.” This is terrifying if you know NGO speak, sounds like a color revolution.
However, NPP is really just a cut-out, it's a nominal coalition that's 99% JVP a previously revolutionary party that tried armed insurrection in the 80s. The JVP is a Marxist-Leninist organization which does have full-time cadres, who have now been elected to Parliament. Harini is the liberal face of the NPP, but the body politickers are commies. I don't know which will lead, heart or head of government. I guess we'll see.
The danger is that Sri Lanka is not economically independent (we're currently under IMF administration). If we don't seize of the means of production (our labor and resources) we won't be. And America wants to turn us into an aircraft carrier against China, and our abusive family India isn't helping. The fact that the NPP has even been able to win elections at all is highly suspicious. The stock market somehow went up (dramatically) after AKD (their guy) became President and all of my rich friends are comfortable, which makes me highly uncomfortable. AKD met the Indians and Americans first, which would have Rohan Wijeweera (the JVP's revolutionary founder) rolling over in his grave. But the party has evolved into a conventional party, and it follows conventional economics. Which is slavery.
Now that the JVP has political power—now that the dog has caught the car—let's see if they actually take it or if their communism is all bark. Independence is incomplete without economic independence, and Sri Lanka's independence is still far from complete. Given the great battle between murder/suicidal western capitalism and eastern communism, I don't know if the JVP is strong enough, but you go to war with the army you have, as they say.
But we have this moment, at least. Of course, I've felt this way before, in 2015, when we kicked King Mahinda out. But his replacement turned out to be a complete joker and got hundreds of us violently killed. That election was really just the two-party uniparty flipping over more extravagantly, giving us a real pada show (fart show). Now that we kicked both ass cheeks of the two-party system out, perhaps it will be better. Trust, but verify, as the Gipper said.
I don't hope, I'm too old for that, but I wish that Sri Lanka can finally live up to our name, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. I hope that we can invest in our children, restore our environment, grow our own food, industrialize in time for the collapse of industrialization, and preserve our own culture. Sri Lanka had a brief socialist flowering after Independence which was brutally divided and conquered. I thought that war (two wars, actually, against both communism and Tamil separatism) would never end. But then it did, taking tens of thousands of souls with them, may they attain Nibbana or head wherever they were heading. The same corrupt leaders led through these catastrophes and it seemed like they were turning into feudal families, anointed through Parliament but disappointing everybody. But now that, too, has ended. Now we've seen that political generation defenestrated, peacefully. I won't say it's a hopeful time, but it's at least satisfying. I don't know if this feeling is freedom or a condemned man's last cigarette, but I'll take it.