Bullet Discipline Vs. Bullet Diarrhea


The Resistance, being poor, must exercise bullet discipline. America, being rich, can spray and prey. America (what is 'Israel'?) is killing everybody, children, women, men, in that order. Besides being genocidal, this is uneconomical. Destroying hospitals, homes, and innocent humans does not weaken your enemy, which is literally underground. It just wastes bullets on non-military targets and falls right into their trap. Everybody from the Viet Cong to the Taliban knows, the Americans can fuck you up, but if you keep bullet discipline, they eventually fuck off. The Americans have bullet diarrhea, and will eventually die of it in the last colonies, inshallah.


In cuck Ukraine, for example, America has effectively run out of NATO shells, the 155m workhorse. They can still produce shells, but not enough to win the war. America only produces about 36,000 155m shells a year (out of one factory in Scranton) compared to Russia's peak of 600,000 rounds per month. There's no comparison. Ukrainians are dying to make the arms dealers money, America has corrupted and destroyed Ukraine. They're Ukraine's worst enemy, which killed them by a thousand budget cuts, and which never had the capacity to fight Russia anyways. All America can do is bleed Ukraine to death, but they cannot cut Russia.

The shell hunger in Ukraine has become a veritable famine across the White Empire (America and all its bitches). In Ukraine, the hunger is for 155m shells (about $3,000 each), but in occupied Palestine they have to use even air defense missiles that cause millions of dollars, and which are severely backlogged. The Empire can still print money, but they can't print bullets. And these are rare, magic bullets.

Air Defense

I'm old enough to remember when missile air defense was a joke. It was dismissively called “Star Wars.” But who's laughing now? Today missile defense actually works. You can shoot down a bullet with a bullet, like a coked-up cybernetic cowboy. When Yemen fired the first ballistic missile through space in 2023, 'Israel's' Arrow shot it down. Daddy was so proud. But pride, of course, goeth before the fall.

Fast-forward one year, and the Iron Dome is down. Iran can hit Nevatim Air Base at will and Hezbollah can empty Haifa (Jaffa) at a word. The combined Resistance hit Tel Aviv four times on October 7th, to wish them. Air Defense was a 1980s idea for stopping one wave of nukes across the horizon, it wasn't designed for saturation attacks, being bombarded with 25,000 projectiles over a year, some of them junk, some of them vital. When you shoot down bullets with bullets, at some point you run out of bullets. And when you're shooting 2 million dollar bullets and $200,000 bullets, at some point it's just uneconomical.

Even if America can print the money, they can't print bullets. As mentioned, all of their NATO shells are made in one factory that's as old as Joe Biden. They're writing checks their old ass can't cash. They're screaming at clouds as their air defenses get fall down. America can still beat up children and women and men (in that order), but they lose to men in the field. They do not have air supremacy anymore, tunnels and missiles have achieved parity for the poorest countries in the world. They're completely outclassed against reindustrialized Russia, and would be a joke against the industrial powerhouse China. All of America's missiles are at least partly made in China! America's air defenses are literally from the last century and their offenses offend only the conscience. America is still great at blowing up weddings, but it's ultimately their own funeral.

The Hungry Guns

There's an old story about South Korean President Moon Jae-in, back when he was a student protestor, against the American military dictatorship. Moon calculated just how much tear gas the government had. Then he had student protestors run around doing decoy protests, getting gassed, until the gas ran out. Then they went to their main target, presumably getting beaten for their troubles. You always get a beating, but if you know your enemy's resources, you can wear them out.

Muhammad Ali called this sorta strategy “rope-a-dope.” You take a licking but keep on ticking, until you knock your tired opponent out. I'll let Norman Mailer describe this strategy at length, because it's dope. This is from Mailer's account of the Rumble in The Jungle, in The Fight (1965). Muhammad Ali vs. George Foreman, in Zaire.

Sooner or later, however, Foreman is always on him, leaning on him, banging him, belting away with all the fury George knows how to bring to the heavy bag. Ali uses the ropes to absorb the bludgeoning. Standing on one’s feet, it is painful to absorb a heavy body punch even when blocked with one’s arms. The torso, the legs and the spine take the shock. One has to absorb the brunt of the punch. Leaning on the ropes, however, Ali can pass it along; the ropes will receive the strain. If he cannot catch Foreman’s punches with his gloves, or deflect them, or bend Foreman’s shoulder to spoil his move, or lean away with his head, slip to the side, or loom up to hug Foreman’s head, if finally there is nothing to do but take the punch, then Ali tightens his body and conducts the shock out along the ropes, so that Foreman must feel as if he is beating on a tree trunk which is oscillating against ropes. Foreman’s power seems to travel right down the line and rattle the ring posts.

This is the strategy of rope-a-dope. You take a licking and keep on ticking. It is also the strategy of guerilla warfare. As the warrior philosopher Basil Al-Araj said, more directly, “Our direct human and material losses will be much greater than the enemy's, which is natural in guerrilla wars that rely on willpower, the human element, and the extent of patience and endurance.”

The point of this strategy, short of dying, is tiring your opponent out. A people's army can reproduce people, but capitalist oppression must reproduce capital or collapse. Which gets expensive. Which becomes economically impossible. Which becomes environmentally impossible. The entire premise of America is that they have infinite money, infinite power, and infinite planet, but they don't. All empires must fall, all currencies become past, and all power runs out. Missile defenses made White Empire feel like a superpower, but now they're just a regular power, and waning fast. This last paroxysm of violence is in fact the end of what I call America's Long Retreat. America has invaded many places since World War II, and retreated from everyone. They have a 100% retreat record. The Americans will fuck you up, but then they will fuck off. It's just a matter of your fighters staying on the ropes, taking brutal, genocidal, blows to the body politic.

The Armed Resistance

People ask why the Resistance doesn't fire everything they've got at 'Israel'. Iran, Hezbollah, Yemen, et al have enough missiles to overwhelm 'Israel' right now, and wound the American fleet fatally. Because the Resistance would then face everything America has got, that's why not. The Resistance has to practice bullet discipline, they have to save their best missiles for last. The Resistance, unlike the Empire, knows they don't have infinite bullets and that they have to save the best for last, when the shields are done. That's why they have strategically taken down air defenses and fired their cheapest missiles to collect priceless data.

The Resistance has forced America to expend their best missile defenses against the Resistance's worst missiles. There's an old Chris Rock joke that bullets should cost $5,000. American 'bullets' easily cost $50,000. The Americans have done the joke, and it's on them at some point. Let's look at one data point, the THAAD missile system. It's same for all the bullets in the withering gun, but let's focus on one.


6 shots a year (double-barreled) that cost you $600 million. US Department of War report (see bottom)

Iran recently blew up a THAAD radar system in occupied Palestine. THAAD is Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, it's American property on American property ('Israel'). The proof is that America has rushed another THAAD radar over, with 100 American operators. To put this in context, America only has 7 THAAD batteries globally, to defend against all their offensiveness. A new one takes three years to manufacture. And each 'bullet' (interceptor) costs $12 million++! They're doing the Chris Rock joke x2400. It's like this across all missile defense systems. You need a very smart missile to shoot down any missile, and that's many times more expensive. Even if you don't care about the money, the manufacturing capacity doesn't exist, and takes years to spin up, if it's even possible with your retarded workforce.

American produces small batch, artisanal missiles. They only produce 12 THAAD missiles per year. They have only reproduced the 1990s technology 800 times total, many of them already exploded. And THAAD is like a double-barreled shotgun, it shoots two missiles to intercept one (if it's lucky). That means this multi-billion dollar system can only shoot down 400 bogeys at its theoretical maximum. Iran fires that much in a day, actually. This missile defense system can't even defend itself, let alone the conscript colony, let alone American bases, and nevermind America itself.

23,000 missiles have been fired at America's colony since October 7, 2023. No missile defense system can handle saturation attacks like this. A determined enemy can throw junk at you for months, and then hit you with the good stuff when you're reloading. And at some point you can't reload, because you deindustrialized too much, and you just run out of bullets. 'Israeli' air defenses are actually down and the colony has already collapsed. It cannot even stand without full-time American support. That's why there's American boots on the ground. America's conscript, generationally captive Jew army has lost, and the Resistance is facing the final boss of colonialism. America.

The Americans market THAAD like the latest Nazi wunderwaffen, but this is all ancient technology. America keeps repackaging 1980s technology like F16s and 1990s technology like THAAD and ATACMS like they're hot shit but they're just tired old reboots. THAAD is a Cold War system with a spotty record that can't defend against low altitude hypersonics at all and has no concept of low-flying drones. All of America's missile defenses are designed for another war, operated out of bases built for other borders, built by an industrial base that doesn't exist anymore. American weapons are atavistic throwbacks, not new avatars of power. Meanwhile the Resistance throws back reincarnated versions of the martyred General Qassem Soleimani as modern missiles (the Haj Qassem). What new weapons, what great generals has America produced since then? SpongeBob?

THAAD is not a magic bullet, even if it existed in sufficient quantities. None of these wunderwaffen are. The only working part of the military industrial complex is the marketing department. American military production cannot handle war on one front, and they've started not one but three land wars in Asia. With 7 THAAD batteries, total. Each unit is, in itself, inadequate for the threat environment. Each THAAD battery only has (generally) 48 bullets, meaning it can only fire 24 shots. Then what? The Resistance can fire that many shots in an hour, from multiple directions. At some point, it just doesn't compute. System overlord. Iran has shown it can do this with Operation True Promise I and II. It's true. THAAD is just one layer of air defense (over the most offensive colony) but they're all permeable. The Resistance just had to rope-a-dope them, and now Empire is on the ropes.

America is currently waging genocide in Palestine, proxy war against Russia, and trying to start shit with China. Meanwhile, it never had peace with North Korea, just an armistice. At some point, something's got to give. Realistically, they can only reload THAAD battery by unloading somewhere else. America is writing cheques its deindustrialized ass can't cash. It's arrogance on top of absurdity. Americans have treated missile defense like it gives them the power to be infinitely offensive, and it doesn't. They're throwing Rolexes at Casios, and the Casios are winning. As the Taliban said, you may have the watches, but we have the time. The Resistance has bullet discipline and the Empire has bullet diarrhea. Inshallah, in our lifetimes, the Resistance will win.