America's Hard And Soft Power (Is Running Out)
Today, imperial spectators are supposed to support Al-Qaeda 3.0 invading Syria, and oppose Hamas defending Palestine. They're supposed to mourn a genocide from last century and commit one right now. They're supposed to oppose invasions in general, unless it's under NATO generals, in which case it's good somehow. They're supposed to be defending democracy in places without elections (like Ukraine), and overturning elections in places that have them (Romania, Pakistan, Peru, France, etc). Does any of this make sense? Is it even internally consistent? Western propaganda, along with western empire, is falling apart. They're forcing it, and the cover-up is a farce.
The daily question you, as an honestly horrified spectator, must be asking is how do they get away with it? Whatever's said and done, America seems to be getting away with genocide, getting away with invasions, and whenever they crash and burn in one country, they just crash and burn another one. However, in the long historical view what we're witnessing is not just business as usual (they've gotten away with worse before). What we're witnessing is a going out of business sale. They seem to get away with everything only in the sense that everything must go.
It's important to understand that everything America is incinerating is the base of its own power. International institutions were built (and corrupted) around America, international courts bowed to their pressure, even the concept of 'international community' is just the White Empire (America and its closest vassals). America had all that soft power for free, and now they're giving it away for a swan song. In the same way, America's duplicitous diplomacy, mendacious media, and idolatrous ideology propped up and defending their Empire without firing a shot. Now their Empire is so obviously evil that they have to fire a lot. What we're witnessing today is not an impressive display of firepower, America today inspires not shock and awe but horror and hatred. Late-stage America is just a luxury terrorist organization. What we are witnessing, in fact, is a fire sale of the military industrial multiplex. A bonfire of the vanities, writ large.
If you look at White Empire for what it is, it was always a business proposition. Draw and quarter the world for quarterly returns. Viewed as strictly business, the fire this time is a fire sale (as mentioned). Yes, America today is ultra-violent, but this is more like a star going supernova than a star is born. If you read corporate accounts, for example, a company can often show higher cashflow as it's going out of business. Such a company can show a temporary bump in cashflow because it's selling off the property, plant, and equipment that made it profitable in the first place, ie the milch cow and the farm. As an example, a café can suddenly look very profitable by selling off its machines, furniture, and cancelling the lease, but then—only slightly less suddenly—it's not a café anymore. This is what's happening with White Empire. It is, as mentioned a going out of business sale.
If we stick to basic accounting terms, there are two types of capital assets, tangible and intangible. Capital being that which makes you money, and the base of capitalism. America's tangible assets are its hard power and its intangible assets are its soft power. The tangible fist and the intangible glove. They have been hand in glove for decades, but now it's merely dumpster and dumpster fire.
Tangible Assets (Hard Power)

America's most tangible asset is its military, the font of its political and economic power; that which makes unsubscribing so hard. If you look at American military accounts, however, these assets are largely depreciated. Depreciation is another accounting term, referring to the useful life of an asset (this is as close as capitalism comes to conceptualizing death). All machinery has a lifetime, including that which takes life away.
For example, the Minuteman III nuclear program—ie the ability to nuke anybody anywhere—is supposed to be retired already. However, the replacement system (GBSD) doesn't exist, so the Minuteman lumbers on. In accounting terms, this is a zombie program, depreciated to death, but still going. In the firm where I'm a director, we have to make special allowances and talk to the auditors to extend the life of an asset, but the US military has failed every audit and is literally unaccountable. America's aircraft carriers are in the same situation. Ships like the USS Eisenhower are older and creakier than me, but they're still in service because there's no replacement. Planes like the F-35 are known lemons, but they're supposed to be squeezed till till 2070s because the arms dealers' grandchildren need yachts. Supposed wunderwaffen like the F16 and ATACMS dumped on Ukraine are 1980s programs that are out of production. These are being dumped in a cynical fire sale more than a serious display of firepower. Even the Al-Qaeda offshoot dumped on Syria is the extension of another 1980s investment gone wrong, which is somehow right again, because American culture is dead and everything is a reboot. These weapons are all hyped up in the media, but it's actually a clearance sale. In Empire's own accounts, they're already depreciated down to nothing.
It's important to understand that the US military which moved men and matériel to invade Iraq doesn't exist anymore. The pre-positioning fleet that moved them there is being mothballed, and military recruiting is down every year, and the recruiting pool is too overweight, insane, and drug-addled to serve much. They depend almost completely on proxies now, and proxies are never as good as your own genocidal maniacs. Yes, the American military can still inflict heavy losses on people without heavy machinery, but they've visibly losing against a peer enemy in Russia and (according to their own war games) would lose against a superior enemy like China within weeks. America's tangible power has already depreciated to dust. The only thing keeping the illusion going is the old propaganda machine, which is also showing rust.
Intangible Assets (Soft Power)
America's intangible asset is the idea of America, specifically that they're not an Empire at all, and a benevolent one. This inherent contradiction makes perfect sense as long as it's consistent and repeated often enough, which America has been excellent at doing for decades. But now the story is coming apart. America is committing a live-streamed genocide, annihilating and impoverishing its 'allies', and has somehow teamed up with Al-Qaeda. They're literally losing the plot.
After World War II, America relentlessly propagandized their own people and the world with post-war propaganda (the truth is that WWII never ended for colored people, but we don't count). America lied that they won the war (they absolutely didn't) and that occupied the world they did it just to help out (they helped themselves, becoming the inheritors of White Empire). This story—that America maintains an Empire to stop genocide and bring peace—is now completely spoiled. This story is the founding myth of modern America, but now that it's revealed mendacious myth, America's very foundation is rocked.
The idea that America defeated the Nazis doesn't make sense when they're re-fighting the Battle of Kursk with neo-Nazis. The idea that America ever gave a shit about genocide is hard to sustain when commiting one right now. The idea that America needed to kill millions of Muslims because Al-Qaeda makes less sense now that they're supporting Al-Qaeda 3.0 in Syria. At the immoral center of all this, the very idea of 'Israel' makes no sense at all, it's visibly just a failed kapo state around the oil, run by a kakistocracy of dunces in America (whether America's elites are Jew or gentile is irrelevant, human capitalists are just stand-ins for inhuman capital). It's not even that you can't make a story out of these incoherent facts. You could, with enough consistency and repetition. It's just that America isn't even trying. They've run out of energy before they ran out of evil.
To return to the current Al-Qaeda example, in the 1980s, America backed Al-Qaeda against the Soviets, before using/blaming them for 9/11 and making them bête noires for a generation. All mujahideen—once thanked in the credits of propaganda film Rocky III—became 'Islamists', the subject of America's five-minutes hate for decades now. America has sunk a lot of money into this effort, and more than a few movies and video games are centered around killing Arabs. Americans today have been raised to hate Hamas for its mere association with Islam, despite Hamas being extremely moderate and simply defending its home, in accordance with international law (if this bothers you, STFU and read a book). Fear of Muslim sounds is part of the deep conditioning of western population, to justify the mass murder and terrorism (if you assume that colored people have feeling) that keeps the oil flowing as it shouldn't.
Now, however, Americans are supposed to support mercenary mujahideen in the form of HTS (Al-Qaeda with the serial numbers filed off), and they're supposed to do this overnight, while they're still supposed to scared of anyone looking or sounding Muslim. For more than a few people, the neural wires are getting crossed. Again, none of these contradictions are unresolvable, but that requires a propaganda effort that America simply isn't putting in anymore. America's propaganda effort has all the depth of Jake Sullivan's famous one-line email to Hillary Clinton “See last item - AQ is on our side in Syria.” For most people that aren't soulless ghouls like them, this is at the least confusing.
In the same way, imperial denizens are supposed to pro-elections, but also anti-elections that don't/won't go their master's way (in Romania, France, Pakistan, Peru in most recent order, and Ukraine never). They're supposed to be anti-terrorism, but pro blowing up hospitals and refugee camps (as per 'Israel', on the regular). They're supposed to be pro human rights, but also to watch the human sacrifice of millions in Palestine, Lebanon, Ukraine for the war gods (Raytheon and Lockheed Martin) pleasure.
More materially, Europeans are supposed to deindustrialize and freeze for the privilege of being a stick to poke Russia with, and Americans are supposed to lose the only thing that pacified them (cheap goods) for a trade war across the Pacific (cutting off their own military supply lines in the process). None of these are irreconcilable contradictions—nothing is irreconcilable to the irredeemable—but selling such lies require significant propaganda effort, which America just isn't making. Instead they're just drawing down on their established reputation, stripping what is essentially a capital account for daily expenditure.
This is a classic private equity move, buy an established brand, and trade more and more dogshit under its good name until the whole thing collapses. This model is closer to a mafia-style 'bust-out' than an actual business model, and it marks the decline of American soft power via its mass media.
Take, for example, TIME magazine, once the reliable red frame of American propaganda. My mother—growing up in a remote village—subscribed to LIFE magazine (owned by TIME) and it was quite prestigious back then, but that was a lifetime ago. TIME has since gone (effectively) bankrupt and is now just a plaything of a billionaire (Marc Benioff) who runs his own byline on the cover. Same thing for the Washington Post, where Jeff Bezos nuked its (anyways evil) Presidential endorsement, saying “the hard truth: Americans don't trust the news media.” No shit, Sherlock. This is like the Hamburgler saying people just don't trust guys in stripes. The facade of a 'free' press has fallen off and American media is revealed as just expensive privatized propaganda for the worst people on Earth. America can't manufacture anything anymore, not even consent. Their oligarchy is showing.
American mass media is now rejected by the masses en masse. According to recurring Gallup polls, a majority (68%) of Americans do not trust the mass media, and a plurality (39%) do not trust it at all. The talking heads blather on, but the eyeballs have moved on. An average MSNBC show now gets less views than many Twitch streamers, or just people showing their butts on OnlyFans.

The Empire tries to compensate by algorithmic control of social media, but this draws down the capital stock of another asset, the idea that ‘we don't censor people, unlike those bad authoritarians.’ Now Americans can see their own posts on Palestine or Gaza censored or disappeared, they can see the heads of social media companies being arrested (Telegram) or interrogated (TikTok), and they can see people being cancelled or fired for observing observable facts, and see their own students beaten on college campuses. Of course America can do this, they can do whatever the fuck they want, but—as their media always asks (nonsensically) about China—at what cost?
That question actually makes great sense for America. Yes, they can censor and repress stories (like their loss in Ukraine, their economic inferiority to China, and their moral inferiority to everyone) but, in the process, they also repress the story most vital to their existence! The idea that they're free people with free speech. This was always a lie for some people, but now it's obviously a lie for everyone.
Imperial propaganda worked not (just) because they pushed it but because imperial denizens parroted it themselves, like they'd just come up with reasons for hating Syria or North Korea or Russia independently. These are places they know nothing about besides propaganda, but they believed themselves expert enough to bomb them. Everyone thought they were philosopher kings, even though they were just prattling-on pawns. As the old Soviet joke goes, ‘an apparatchik and an American are flying into New York, and the Yankee asks the Rooskie, “what brings you to America?” The Russian says, “to study American propaganda.” The American says, “what propaganda?” The Russian smiles and says, “exactly.”’
Like the White Empire itself, the propaganda worked seamlessly because it was invisible. That's what made it a seemingly bottomless asset, America could pick a different enemy whenever they wanted, completely fuck up whatever war, and move onto the next one without anyone cottoning on. As Vladimir Putin said, “They are used to, for centuries, to stuffing their belly with human flesh and their pockets with money. But they need to understand that the vampire's ball is coming to an end.”
America had a reputation and western media had a reputation, however undeserved. Now they are drawing down that reputation (an intangible asset), backing an open genocide in Palestine and covering up their obvious losses and predations across the world. You can do this for a while—private equity was able to trade (and most importantly borrow) under the Toys R Us name for over a decade—but then it all went tits up. In the same way, this decade America's global reputation has collapsed, and its collapsed mass media and complicit social media can no longer cover up the naked avarice and horror. The very idea of America is increasingly abhorrent. The intangible asset called reputation is all used up.
Ergo Sum
America claimed the mantle of White Empire after World War II, but it's falling apart in World War III right now (I'll call it because I do include colored people). Right now, America is just a luxury terrorist force, it's army, navy, and air force have already been defeated by Afghanistan, Yemen, and Russia/Iran, respectively, and the terrorism has to be outsourced to 'Israel' and Al-Qaeda redux. Wartime censorship aside, we are living through the America's Long Retreat where, like the Nazis retreating out of the USSR, they leave a completely scorched earth. This process unfortunately took years then and will take years now. This is no country for old empires, but, God knows, there will be blood.
While America is visibly losing hard power, it is also drawing down all of its soft power resources, discrediting its media, completely dumping its diplomatic core, and just looking like genocidal maniacs. Yes, America can do whatever the fuck it wants now, but there is a cost later (not to mention the hereafter). America has been drawing down the assets of centuries for a last decade of fucking around. The deceptive thing about this is that you can get away with it for a while, but then it catches up with you all at once. Like my friend who's been driving without a license for a year (get your license homie!), America will eventually find out.
As I have discussed, we are in the middle of Collapse³. 'Israel' is collapsing, America is collapsing, and if that doesn't get them, the collapsing climate will. 'Israel' will collapse someday, America will hit its Greatest Depression and implode, and if that doesn't get the colonial cockroaches, climate collapse will. American collapse is not a matter of if, but when. All empires fall, and this one is obviously murder-suicidal.
Right now, America can kill children every day and rub our noses in it, but this is not a natural state of things, nor is it well covered up. America has spent all its goodwill in one year of dumping depreciated munitions on civilians. The heirs of White Empire can only sustain their reign of terror going forward by using force, which requires energy. Even if America can sustain this energy expenditure in the short-run, energy is running out for everyone in the long.
America has eaten the carrot and broken the stick, they have no future to offer but terrorism, which is not terribly appealing. Empires can be ruled by fear, but not for long, and not without material surplus somewhere to back it up. And right now, the US dollar is just a dollar backed by nothing but inertia, they no longer produce goods anybody wants or even weaponry that works and can be delivered this decade. America will likely not lose on the battlefield—which is unfortunately nowhere near America—but because the faith and credit of America runs out. When its tangible assets have visibly failed in the field, and when its intangible assets have been revealed as fraud. What sustained America was force, yes, but more the belief that made most force unnecessary. America's soft power was the force multiplier of its hard power, but nobody believes that shit anymore. Empires are ideas, above all, and America is an increasingly bad idea whose time is up.