All My Homies Support Hamas

Hamas is a bad word in America, but consider the source. Why on earth would you care what America says? Have you not seen their deeds? America has killed at least 4 million people this century, dropped nukes on civilians, and are committing genocide right now. America is the wolf crying wolf, why would you believe them? I know that supporting Hamas is proscribed in the imperial core, but I don't live there, most people don't live there, and I give a fuck about the thoughtcrimes of war criminals. Hamas is not recognized as a terror organization in most of the world because it's not.
I won't explain Hamas in detail here, read a fucking book. My point here is to read a map, and read the room. Most of the world does not condemn Hamas. The only people calling Hamas a terror organization are the most terrible people on earth, who have lied to all of us for centuries. Why would I take the word of people committing genocide against the people fighting genocide? I believe my eyes, not the lies of those who have been lying to me about every war.
It is said, “those who are in solidarity with our corpses and not our rockets are hypocrites, and not of us.” I think that sums it up. I am not worth the dust on a single fighter's sandals, but I am not a hypocrite. My scales will be light on the day of judgment but they won't be empty. I do not support Palestinian resistance while condemning the Palestinian Resistance. I do not piously cross myself out, as so many in the Western world do. But I understand where they're coming from. These are deeply oppressed people undergoing a historic repression of speech. Someone should liberate them.
If you live in America, Britain, Australia, or any of the bitch states I call White Empire, you are less free than me and I feel sorry for you. Supporting Palestine in these fake countries is dangerous, and publicly supporting Hamas will get you punished. If you express such thoughts, you will be suppressed; socially, legally, or even violently. The Feds will come to your office, your home, and put you on a no-fly list. I know this because the FBI has come for me (through my family) and I don't even live in America. If I lived in America, I would be in real danger, and I can't reliably travel there anymore. If you value your passport you have to say the password. I condemn Hamas. Real people have lost real jobs, real education, real opportunities, and real freedom for supporting Palestine, nevermind Hamas. A real censorship regime has fallen across the White Empire and if you haven't thought about it, it's working.
As Upton Sinclair said, it's very difficult to get a man to understand something if his salary depends on him not understanding it. Throughout the White Empire, your job, your education, your life and livelihood depend on 'not supporting terrorism' (as defined by baby-killers). These people are powerful, these people are petty, and defying them is a real problem. They have made examples out of university presidents, university professors, and their own children who dared protest. Palestinian children in America have been paralyzed, stabbed, and near drowned. If you seriously question this, they will send men in Under Armour (Feds don't dress well anymore) to question you. If you take direct action, they will arrest you. And if you dare resist or just exist in Palestine itself, they will torture and kill you. They'll kill your whole family. They'll starve and sicken you to death in front of the whole world because they want the world to watch. Every massacre is a message.
You are ordered to be terrified of resistance. That is the rules-based order. Some amorphous, obviously amoral they rules, and everyone else takes orders from them. They order you to be afraid of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, China, and anyone who stands up. If you want to keep your petty privileges, you need to STFU and sit down. Maybe, they'll let you hold your watermelon pin or scarf, but anything serious will be dealt with. You can oppose the state all you want as long as you also oppose the enemies of state, thus piously cancelling yourself out. At best you can say Free Palestine!, as long as you condemn the actual freedom fighters. Any serious opinion or, god forbid, action will have serious consequences. So I get where western hypocrites are coming from. It is very difficult to understand something when your salt depends on you not understanding it. I am not unsympathetic to the plight of imperial citizens. I just find it pathetic.
Meanwhile, across the more free world (not the Free World™), all of my homies support Hamas. We have been watching Empire commit wild-eyed genocide for a year and watching Hamas resist them with great discipline. We have seen the men of the Axis of Resistance fighting bravely, honorably, and more than proportionately, while the cowardly White Empire slaughters men, women, and children and runs from men in the field. Everybody now hates 'Israel' and America and nobody believes their corrupt media and politicians. These are people with a lower approval rating than cancer asking us to disapprove of actual heroes. I do not give a fuck who these hateful people tell me to hate, but I understand that I am privileged in the provinces. I am relatively free by virtue of being far. I cannot judge people in very different circumstances (though I do anyways).
If you live in the imperial core and are interested in opening your eyes, I must honestly discourage it. Ignorance is bliss. Take the blue pill and chill. They are martyring people every day for resistance, they will bother you in the imperial core, which can feel like martyrdom to the soft. Forget missing your Starbucks between work, you can actually lose your job for certain thoughts. I won't invite you to Read Resistance yourself, but the link is there if you want it. But be forewarned that these are proscribed thoughts from proscribed organizations. Don't stick your proboscis in it without thinking about it.
Understand that there is no free speech under the White Empire. If you're saying or even thinking anything they literally proscribe, they'll make you pay for it. I have paid for my beliefs and may pay more, but I wear this as a badge of pride and vainglory. My FBI file is the closest I'll get to an award. I have lost money and metrics while people have lost everything, but I have at least offered something. There is no solidarity without sacrifice. As they say, “those who are in solidarity with our corpses and not our rockets are hypocrites, and not of us.” I am a coward but not a hypocrite, and I take small comfort in this.
But I don't begrudge the creatures of the imperial core, reluctant to lose their creature comforts. Stay in your world as I now must stay in mine (because I can't travel reliably). Just understand that the global majority does not condemn Hamas. On the contrary, we commend them. They are ghetto superstars, and October 7th was a great ghetto uprising. Long live the Resistance, death to 'Israel', death to America. And godspeed to Hamas, and all the spokes of the Axis of Resistance. Speaking of this is illegal in the White Empire, but what do I care? I don't live there, and the Empire is dying not soon enough.