2024: The Least Consequential Election Of My Life

Genocide is a consequence, and it will continue whoever Americans elect. Climate collapse is a consequence, and they're both candidates are committed to more drilling. Slavery is a consequence and both are committed to out-deporting and out-incarcerating the American underclass. Whether America elects an obvious charlatan or a corporate automaton, who gives a shit? The consequences are the same, making the election entirely inconsequential.
The Lesser Evil Is Trump
By any objective measure, Trump is actually the lesser evil. Trump has not (yet) committed genocide, he sickened less people with COVID and offered more relief, he drilled less than Biden/Harris, and deported fewer passport slaves. The appeal of someone like Kamala Harris is purely subjective, she makes liberals feel superior while still participating in white supremacy. It's not that both candidates are the same, it's that the Democrats are objectively worse. If anything, they're more dangerous because they're better organized, they are the more efficient evil, and better at covering their tracks. Trump is at least an honest liar. He looks evil and he is. As Malcolm X said,
The white conservatives aren’t friends of the Negro either, but they at least don’t try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the “smiling” fox. One is a wolf, the other is a fox. No matter what, they’ll both eat you.
In this way, Trump is the lesser evil because he's transparently evil. Objectively, also, he has simply done less evil in the evil office. Look for yourself. Biden/Harris have accelerated the corrupt incineration of Ukraine on the altar of fighting a Russia which need not be fought. Biden/Harris have committed livestreamed genocide for over a year now. Biden/Harris have sickened and killed more people with COVID, while gutting all protections and social support. Biden/Harris have accelerated the trade war (re: siege) against China, while reinforcing illegal sieges against Cuba, Iran, etc. Biden/Harris have deported more people, built more wall, dumped more carbon into the atmosphere, and cracked down on speech and assembly even harder than the supposed fascist candidate. Fascism is already here, you morons! Americans are seriously debating 95% Hitler vs 96% Hitler, not understand that this makes them all Nazi, all around. America has been a totalitarian genocide state for its whole existence, regardless of who's President.
I'll say it again and again because it generally goes unsaid. By any objective measure, the Democrats are worse than the orange bogeyman, they just subjectively make liberals feel better, which makes things worse in and of itself. Liberals don't deserve to feel good. They deserve someone that actually represents them, an openly wicked and venal man like Trump.
All Democrats have to offer this election cycle is what Hannah Arendt called pious banalities, long past their sell-by date. As Arendt said about Weimar Germany,
Since the bourgeoisie claimed to be the guardian of Western traditions and confounded all moral issues by parading publicly virtues which it not only did not possess in private and business life, but actually held in contempt, it seemed revolutionary to admit cruelty, disregard of human values, and general amorality, because this at least destroyed the duplicity upon which the existing society seemed to rest.
Arendt has her own problems, like being a racist and anti-communist (Diet Hitler), but she was at least a more self-aware liberal. She understood the appeal of mob vulgarian like Trump in a way modern liberals cannot. With Trump, WYSIWYG, whereas Democrats miss the other programming point, POSIWID. The Democrats still think they're the good guys while committing genocide. Liberals today say well, Trump would genocide more, with no idea of how deranged they sound. Forget the Democrats, American democracy itself is irredeemable. It's Genocide or Diet Genocide, with no water in sight.
Great Evil
If you look at the American election objectively, Trump and Harris are both the same picture. They are both American Presidents (re: Heisenberg) and thus great evil, with little tribal differences that only make sense to Americans.
Americans flatter him, to say Trump will be their Hitler. Hitler was actually a below-average evil as European rulers go. American Presidents are all Hitlers, with Ronald Reagan being the last incarnation they've been stuck on for decades. Since then, every American President has been some poor Reagan impersonator, AKA Hitler. Bush I was nerd Reagan, Clinton was cool Reagan, Bush II was nepo Reagan, Obama was black Reagan, Trump was clown Reagan, and Biden was Reagan except somehow more senile and trigger-happy. America hasn't had an original idea in decades, and every election since 1980 has been a reboot. Today, Harris is running as a Reagan Democrat next to the Cheney family, tapping into a rich base of 50,000 in Wyoming and assorted torture enthusiasts. History is truly repeating as farce. American politics is still centered around Reagan, who sucked.
Americans are stuck in a time loop keep saying that this is the most consequential election ever and it isn't. That was supposedly the last election, but what happened then? As I've said and as you can look up, Biden/Harris killed more people with COVID, they deported more people, drilled more fossil fuels, and started more wars, up to livestreamed genocide for months now. Biden is visibly dead in office and Harris is visibly dead inside and it doesn't seem to matter who sits in the seat, as long as endless blood keeps it warm. American oligarchs have become even too lazy for a convincing season of the reality TV farce they call elections. They're just re-running the last election, with one candidate simply selected by consultants.
America today is on autopilot, bombing babies on pure muscle memory. This continues regardless of who occupies the offensive office, which is inherently offensive to man and God. The only satisfaction you can get is kicking the currently ruling bums out, but the ruling class just turns the other cheek and the same shit comes out.
This is why 2024 is, in fact, the least consequential election of my life. A pox on both your houses. Vote Jill Stein if you want to feel moral, or join the Resistance and actually pay for it if you actually want to do something. The Americans are going to continue killing either way, unless we kill the very idea of America. Supporting a peaceful transfer of power within America is supporting their endless violence within and without. God-damn America, as Obama's preacher said, before that soulless charlatan disavowed him. Neither side of America deserves to win. This is like asking the neck which side of the knife it prefers. To outsiders like me, this is all like debating whether Goebbels or Göring replaces Hitler. Who gives a fuck? Cyanide and the Red Army are the only moral choices, when faced with such immorality seeking to reincarnate itself.